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III. Find the attributive and adverbial participial constructions with Participle I. Give their features and Russian equivalents:

1. Qualitative research has many uses, including exploring alternative communication messages and identifying strengths and weaknesses. 2. A back.one is a network transmission path handling major data traffic. 3. The ability of tiny computer devices to control complex operations has transformed the way many tasks are performed, ranging from scientific research to producing consumer products. 4. A router is a special computer directing messages when several networks are linked. 5. The Tor Project offers a channel for people wanting to route their online communications anonymously. 6. Users wishing to take part in the bridging project, need to be subscribed to the Amazon service. 7. There have already been prototypes, attracting crowds at gadget shows.

IV. Compare the form and meaning of the participles in the following attributive and adverbial constructions. Define their similarity and difference. Suggest whether this difference influences their meaning.

1. But further measurements using a laser and looking for reflections showed that much of the ice is covered with a layer of dark material tens of centimeters thick. 2. This procedure was dropped, having given low yield of end products. 3. Having been carefully tested the device was put into operation. 4. Having determined the number of amperes and the number of volts, we can find the resistance of the coil by using Ohm’s law. 5. Having lost electrons, the atom of the metal is pacifier. 6. Having studied all the known elements he drew up a table of elements. 7. Having been employed in many industrial processes electronic computers show a notable example of progress contributing to the development of industry. 8. The source code of the malware program has become available online, allowing experts to analyze its complicated design. 9. Having changed the program the robot’s arm began to perform a new operation. 10. Having analyzed the situation he managed to carry out the experiment.

Признаки распознавания определительных и обстоятельственных причастных оборотов причастием II

the x xed + зависимые слова

– после существительного


причастный оборот

делаемый, сделанный (-нный, -емый, -имый, -тый, -шится, -вшится), придаточным

The indirectly heated cathode consists of cylinder heated by filament.

Косвенно обогреваемый катод состоит из металлического цилиндра, обогреваемого нитью накала.

(When) xed

– в начале предложения перед подлежащим


причастный оборот

а) придаточным обстоятельственным предложением: когда сделали,

б) при + существительное от причастия

при применении

(when) xed.

- в конце предложения.

- может вводиться союзами when «когда», if «если», as «как», though «хотя», unless «если … не», until «пока … не», once «раз уж», «как только» и др.

When processed properly the substance receives the required properties.

Certain materials emit electrons when heated.

При обработке соответствующим образом вещество получает необходимые свойства.

При нагревании некоторые материалы испускают электроны