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V. Arrange in pairs the words with similar meaning.

Include, travel, convert, employ, deliver, consist, code, use, infinite, encrypt, transform, limitless, crucial, sent, propagate, critical.

VI. In the text of task VII find the word derived from the verb to convert. Name the other derivatives of this verb.

VII. Look through the text and answer the following question: What does a communications system include? Communication: Basic Concepts

1. We use a variety of communications systems to relay information: once a signal has left a transmitter, the impulses travel, or propagate, in a cable, optical fiber, or space. After this information coded in an electronic or electrical signal is received, it can be decoded or converted back into its original form. A communications system consists of an information source, a transmitter, a receiver, a destination, and of course a channel to deliver the information.

2. Information in the form of sound or visual images is processed into electrical signals by a transducer. A transducer is a device that converts one form of energy into another form of energy. A microphone, converts your voice – sound or acoustical energy – into electrical energy, or in more familiar terms, an electrical signal. A speaker, also a transducer, can convert signal back into your voice. Transducers are the core of our communications system.

3. Many communications devices, such as telephones, video cameras, and microphones, are analog devices that create and process analog information. Analog signals can have a theoretically infinite number of states. An analog signal can be represented as a series of sine waves. The term originated because the modulation of the carrier wave is «analogous» to the fluctuations of the human voice or other sound that is being transmitted. A digital signal, in contrast, is a noncontinuous stream of on/off pulses; to exchange information, a digital system uses binary language, i.e. two numbers, 1 and 0, arranged in different codes.

4. Digital and analog signals, and ultimately equipment and systems, are generally not mutually compatible, hence, the use of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion processes. They help us to use a mixed bag of analog and digital equipment in the overall communications system. This capability is crucial.

VIII. Read passages 1 and 2 of the text. Compress the sentences of these passages and make a short summary of them using the compressed sentences.

IX. Look through passage 1 and define the connectors between its sentences.

X. Read the second sentence of passage 3 and divide it into sense groups. Define the dependency relations between them.

XI. Answer the questions below.

1. What is a transducer used for?

2. What analog devices are mentioned in the text?

3. How can an analog signal be represented?

4. What is the origin of the word «analogous»?

5. What differs an analog signal from a digital one?

6. Which processes are used to overcome the problem of incompatibility of analog and digital signals?

XII. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. A speaker converts your voice into an electrical signal.

2. Transducers are the main part of a communication system.

3. A digital signal can be represented as a continuous stream of pulses.

4. In an analog system 1s and 0s are arranged in digital codes.

5. In general digital and analog devices and systems are incompatible.

XIII. Translate passages 3 and 4 into Russian.

Неличные формы глагола как определение левое:

причастие активное (пал), причастие пассивное (ппл), герундий

Признаки распознавания причастия I (Participle I) и герундия (Gerund)

Причастие I



хing x1

перед существительным

a processing device → устройство какое? → обрабатывающее (действие выполняется самим предметом: a device that is processing)


хing x1

без предлога, если стоит перед определяемым словом

processing speed→ скорость какая? обработки = скорость обработки (предназначение: speed for processing)



preposition хing x1

после предлогов of, about, for, in, at

the process of providing technical support → процесс какой? = обеспечения технической поддержки

1 Существительное может выполнять функцию субъекта (с), объекта (о),

дополнения с предлогом (дп), определения родительного (ор).