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III. Vocabulary study

1. Substitute the words in italics with the words from the text.

  1. Federal system of rules that people in a particular country must obey protects people from injustice.

  2. They filed a formal request to a court asking for a decision to be changed against the judgment.

  3. All the judges in a country must serve the justice.

  4. The official in control of a court who decides how criminals should be punished specifies the number of years to be spent in prison.

  5. All people have the right to a fair legal process in a court of where a judge

examines information to decide if somebody is guilty or not.

  1. Mr Brown asked for the careful judicial examination of the decision.

2. Find in the text synonyms to the following words and make up your own sentences:

Power, to appoint, body, obligatory, mistake, special.

3. The table below shows relationship between the verb, noun and adjective forms in different word families. Complete the table and make up word combinations using the words from the table.


Noun (thing or concept)

Noun (person)

Adjective(positive and negative)











appointive (US)






4. Who or what do the pronouns in italics refer to?

  1. It is the court of last resort.

  2. They serve as long as they obey the law.

  3. It has limited original jurisdiction in cases related to foreign diplomats and those in which a state is a party.

  4. President appoints them for life with the consent of the Senate.

  5. They hear appeals from the district courts.

  6. Their decisions may be appealed to the federal courts of appeal.

  7. It has federal and state courts.

5. Each of the groups of words can be linked by one other word – a noun or nouns. What are they? Add any other adjectives if you can.

  1. original, limited, exclusive, constitutional;

  2. civil, criminal, federal, state;

  3. district, county, trial, intermediate, police;

  4. judicial, wrong, legal, binding.

6. Translate the following into English:

Суд останньої інстанції; право/повноваження судового перегляду; розглядати позови; банкрутство/неспроможність; слухати апеляції; судовий округ; федеральний районний суд; призначати довічно; застосовувати закони; тлумачити закони; податковий суд; суд із питань міжнародної торгівлі; відхиляти закони штату; підпорядкуватися закону; на основі Конституції; правові спори; прецедент, який має обов’язкову силу.

7. Each of the sentences contains a mistake. The mistakes are all in the prepositions. Find and correct them.

  1. The system in federal courts hears cases related to the federal jurisdiction.

  2. All federal judges are appointed before life.

  3. The courts of law have jurisdiction for legal disputes that appear in the country.

  4. A judge is responsible on making decisions at the trial.

  5. Each of the sides involved upon legal proceedings is a party to a case.

  6. On the doctrine of binding precedent decisions of courts in previous cases are considered as a source of law which will influence or bind courts in later similar cases.

  7. The task of conducting trials is placed from different types of courts.

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