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4. The extract below is a skeleton contract of employment for a full-time employee. The key words/phrases from each section have been removed. Complete the text using the words/phrases from the box.

date of commencement ; duties and responsibilities; grievance; commencing salary; holiday entitlement; notice; pension; probation period; sickness pay; terms and conditions; position

Example: You have been appointed to the position of a judge assistant.

  1. Your____________________ will be detailed in the labour contract.

2. The_____________________ of your service with this organization is 1 January 2008.

  1. Your specific_____________________ are contained in the collective agreement negotiated by this organization.

  2. Confirmation of your appointment will be finally decided after your 3 months’________________________.

  3. Your__________________ is Hr 2000 per month, paid monthly.

  4. Your________________entitlement is 30 days in any calendar year.

  5. Your annual___________________ is 25 days.

  6. The minimum period of _____________ to which you are entitled is 3 month.

  7. Your position with regard to__________ is set out in the labour contract.

  8. If you have a ________________ relating to your employment, you should refer to the complaint procedure outlined in the collective agreement.

  1. Translate the text from Ukrainian to English.

Трудовий контракт

Особливою формою трудового договору є контракт. У ньому угодою сторін встановлюються строк дії, права, обов’язки і відповідальність сторін, організація праці й умови розірвання договору з працівником. Вимоги контракту двосторонні, конкретніше й чіткіше обумовлені порівняно з трудовим договором як стосовно працівника, так і підприємства. Наприклад, у контракті можуть визначатися додаткові, окрім встановлених чинним законодавством, підстави його розірвання.

IV. Grammar focus

  1. Form adjectives from the following nouns, which characterize your personality. Translate the words and speak about yourself using them. Give a number of adjectives that best describe your ideal work colleague. 

Intellect, intelligence, integrity, responsibility, efficiency, sociability, honesty, friend, optimism, initiative, creativity, innovation.

2. There are 15 grammar mistakes in the text. Find and correct them. Explain your answers and translate the text.

The Labour Code provide that an employment contract are a special form of employment agreement that may used only where permit by law. While an employment contract may be enter into for a definite term or until a specific job is completing an employment agreement, being the major basis of employment relation, is usually conclude for an indefinite term. Employment contract must been in writing, however, an employment agreement may be verbal. At the time of hire, an employer and employees may agreed to a probationary period to determined if the new employee are suited for the job. The probationary period may not exceed three months.

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