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4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Нотаріус вже приготував усі папери, коли Джеймс прийшов до офісу. 2. Прокурор вже заслухав свідчення Джона, коли вона підійшла до дверей залу. 3. Поліція знайшла та піймала збіглих ще до сходу. 4. До кінця тижня вони допитали вже десятки свідків, але нічого нового про зв’язки злочинця не дізналися. 5. Коли він увійшов до кабінету, законодавці вже закінчили роботу. 6. Спікер вже закінчив доповідь з системи покарання в Україні, коли вона підійшла до дверей залу.

The Future Perfect Tense

1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: Tom will have studied Criminal Law by the end of the first year. – Will Tom have studied Criminal Law by the end of the first year? – Tom won’t have studied Criminal Law by the end of the first year.

1. I’ll have found it out by the time you need it. 2. By the time you come home I’ll have finished preparing the report on enforcement of laws in Canada. 3. No doubt, by the time the police arrive they will have killed him. 4. By the end of this week the investigator will have collected all necessary proofs of his guilt. 5. They will have searched all territories by the midnight. 6. By the time they found him he will have been unconscious.

2. Change the following sentences using the Future Perfect:

1. We had got the results of the expert examination by the end of the working day. 2. Pretrial hearing had been over by the end of last week. 3. After they had finished questioning all the witnesses, we came to the important conclusion. 4. The prosecutor had already finished his speech before we came into the hall. 5. The quality of individual life in matters of education and welfare had improved by the new decade. 6. They had found the escaped prisoner before the sunset. 7. The police officers had developed several versions before they got some new information.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Future Indefinite or Future Perfect):

1. He (to receive) the judicial decision by tomorrow. 2. He (to receive) the judicial decision tomorrow. 3. They (to inform) him of the penalty by noon. 4. They (to inform) him of the penalty at 12. 5. You (to meet) the accused in court tomorrow. 6. You (to meet) the accused in court by the beginning of the hearing. 7. You (to take) your examination in Criminal Procedure next week. 8. By the 20th of January you (to pass) your examination in Criminal Procedure, I hope.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. До початку наступного року вони звільнять велику кількість засуджених. 2. Вони оберуть суд присяжних до кінця цього тижня. 3. Я гадаю, що присяжні досягнуть згоди щодо вердикту до наступного засідання. 4. Правоохоронні органи знайдуть та покарають злочинця до кінця місяця. 5. Суддя вже оголосить рішення, коли ти прийдеш. 6. Експерти вивчать всі докази до наступного тижня.

The Present and Past Perfect Continuous Tenses

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