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2. Write about your duties. Write 5 sentences what you must do and 5 sentences what you mustn’t do.

3. Translate the following sentences into English using must or to have to:

1. Вищий суд повинен розгладати всі апеляції. 2. Ви повинні наполегливо вчитися щоб стати спеціалістом в галузі права. 3. Вона повинна бути вдома зараз. 4. Я повинен був чекати на неї у прокуратурі. 5. Експерти криміналістичної лабораторії – це науковці, які повинні проводити дослідження доказів. 6. Після другого огляду місця злочину слідчі були вимушені відпустити підозрюваного.

4. Fill in the gaps with can, may, must or to have to:

1. … you speak Spanish? – No, I … 3. At what time … you come to the Academy? 4. … I come in, sir? 5. You … not smoke here. 6. … take your lawbook? – I am afraid not. I need it. 7. I … to help my friends with this report in Criminal Investigation, so I cannot go with you. 8. A formal law…prohibit what is morally unacceptable.

5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Чи треба мені тобі допомогати? 2. Ви можете не ходити туди, там нема нічого цікавого. 3. Ви можете не брати пістолет: там буде безпечно. 4. Чи треба повідомити поліцію про крадіжку, яку ми бачили? 5. Ви можете не ходити туди, там жахлива картина вбивства. 6. Чи потрібно буде проводити повторний допит свідка? 7. Можна мені взяти участь у розслідуванні? 8. Ви повинні були ретельно проаналізувати всі обставини справи! 9. Я не міг бути присутнім на засіданні Верховної Ради вчора.

Reported Speech

1. Commands. Rewrite sentences as in the example:

Example: Work hard! – He told (asked) me to work hard.

1. Stop talking on the phone! I am waiting for an important call! 2. Put hands on your neck! 3. Have a break for a moment! 4. Don’t speak so loud! I can’t hear the Speaker. 5. Don’t make so many mistakes! 6. Tell him the truth! 7. Follow that car!

2. Change the following sentences into reported speech as in the example: Example: Are you busy? She asked if I was busy.

Where are you going? She asked where I was going.

When do you get up? She asked when I got up.

1. Do you work as a defendant or a prosecutor? 2. Where is our expert? 3. Has he presented the evidence? 4. Did he have a personal interest in the case? 5. 4. What does the legislative process involve? 5. What will she do in case of her accusation?

3. Turn these into reported speech, beginning I didn’t know:

Example: He is searching for a burglar. – I didn’t know he was searching for a burglar.

1. They have taken his fingerprints.2. He was released from prison.3. They willcommit a terrible crime. 4. Tomorrow he will appear before the court.5. This famous advocate will defend James in court. 6. They have arrested thewell-knownescaped criminal at last.

4. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech:

Example: The officer said, I held that criminal in my arms for the second time!’ – The officer said he had held that criminal in his arms for the second time.

1. The judge said, ‘I have never faced such an awful mistake’. 2. The students said, ‘The professor explained the legal and political system of Great Britain properly’. 3. The policeman said, ‘I saw them at the station’. 4. Mary said, ‘I studied Criminology at the Academy’. 5. His aunt said, ‘Something terrible happened’. 6. The advocate said, ‘I’ll do all I can’.

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