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4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. За підозрюваним доглянуть. 2. Його буде засуджено на 5 років ув’язнення. 3. Її звинувачують у вбивстві. 4. Вони будуть покарані. 5. Його знайдуть та допитають. 6. Про цей закон багато говорять. 7. Їм наказали залишити зал. 8. За доктором послали. 9. Це буде використано проти вас! 10. Укази з економічних питань скріплені підписом прем’єр-міністра України.

The Passive Voice (continuous tenses)

1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative: Example: The new Prime Minister will be appointed tomorrow. The candidate is being discussed now. – Is the candidate being discussed now? No, the candidate is not being discussed now.

1. They were being questioned for half an hour in the morning. 2. Somebody is walking behind us. I think we are being followed! 3. The victim is being examined now. 4. An agreement is being worked out. 5. A new building is being built. 6. An expert examination is being made.

2. Write passive sentences:

Example: The police are making inquires now. – Inquires are being made by the police now.

1. The judge is announcing the sentence.2. The investigatorwasexamining clothes when the expert arrived.3. The police are searching for a burglar.4. The Parliament is passing the law.5. The committee is discussing the matter.6. The experts are studying the fingerprints

3. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb (Present/ Past Continuous): Example: He (to be questioned) at the moment I came in. – He was being questioned at the moment I came in.

1. Look at that strange man! We (to be followed). 2. The new Tax bill (to be discussed) all day yesterday. 3. I didn’t notice anything, but when I gotacassette I realized everything. Our conversation (to be recorded). 4. Don’t come in! The identi-kit of the maniac-murderer (to be created). 5. The decision of the Constitutional Court (to be discussed) and we heard loud voices. 6. The plan of future changes in the system of courts (to be discussed) in the afternoon.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Зараз відбувається експертиза відбитків пальців.2. Справу зараз слухають у суді.3. Вашу інформаціющодо винності депутата зараз перевіряють.4. Підозрюваного зараз допитують.5. Будинок учора обшукували цілий день, але нічого не знайшли.6. Заразпроводиться засідання Верховної Ради.7. Зараз розробляють порядок денний засіданняКабінету Міністрів. 8. Зараз беруть інтерв’ю у Прем’єр-міністра України.9. Чому їх арештовують? Вони невинні.

The Passive Voice (perfect tenses)

1. Make sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: The criminal has been caught at last. – Has the criminal been caught? The criminal hasn’t been caught.

1. Mrs. Jane’s evidence has been presented to the jury. 2. The investigation has been finished successfully. 3. The burglar has been arrested. 4. Citizens have been selected to form the jury. 5. The juror has been exused. 6. The opening statements have been presented. 7. This complicated case has been settled out of court.

2. Imagine that a policeman has made a report and now tells his boss about the event of the day. Write sentences using Passive Perfect where necessary:

1) The famous deputy/ to kill. Two suspects / to catch near the place of murder. Witnesses / already to question. 2) Famous murderer Stivenson / to escape from federal prison. All areas / to search. All roads leading to the city / to take under control. All police headquarters / already to inform. His pictures / to show on TV.

3. Rewrite the following active sentences, using the passive form (Indefinite or Perfect):

Example: Special courts administer ecclesiastical law. – Ecclesiastical law is administered by special courts


1. The organizers will supply all relevant information about the meeting in advance. 2. The Act of Union united Great Britain with Ireland. 3. English Law has greatly influenced Scots law. 4. Roman law has influenced many modern European legal systems. 5. You have warned me about the danger. 6. A person who marries a second husband or wife while still legally married to the first one commits bigamy.

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