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6. Fill in the table with the words or sentences that can go with the following the stages of criminal procedure:



Crime Reported



Preliminary hearing

III. Vocabulary study

    1. Choose and read the words that best complete the sentences:

  1. If the defendant pleads guilty he is sent to jail to await verdict/ sentencing.

  1. After conviction a person has a right to charge/ to appeal.

  1. When the charges are read the defendant is asked to consider/ plead them.

  2. Indictment describes the verdict/ the crime of which the defendant is accused.

  3. A suspect may be freed on plea/ bail.

2. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (before, with, into, on, on, from):

1. After arrest a person is usually taken … custody.

2. The suspect is interrogated and then brought … a judge.

3. A person may be freed … his word of honour or … bail.

4. You know, famous Dr. Stivenson is charged … murder!

5. The judge requested a sentence recommendation … the prosecutor.

3. Substitute the words in italics with the words from the active vocabulary:

1. A person who is brought before a court of law may be convicted or acquitted.

2. Declaration in a law court that a person is guilty is followed by judge’s sentence.

3. The judge imposes his decision as for the punishment, and the defendant has a right to appeal.

4. The body of persons who passed on a verdict found the offender not guilty.

5. A formal charging document by grand jury is to be issued after a prosecutor presents some evidence to the jury.

6. A formal charging document by a prosecutor is issued in those jurisdictions where the grand jury system is not used.

4. The verbs below can all be used to form nouns. Find in the text the words which have related meanings and make up your own sentences with them. Pay special attention to where the stress is.

Example:: To violate – a violator (n.) e.g. One of the tasks of investigation is to determine who the violator was.

To investigate, to record, to interrogate, to charge, to convict, to sentence, to hear, to try, to acquit, to appeal, to recommend, to plead

5. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Визнати себе винним, бути виправданим, засуджений злочинець, винести вирок, видати обвинувальний висновок великого журі, посадити до в’язниці, винести офіційне обвинувачення проти підозрюваного, затримати особу, звільнити під заставу.

6. Complete the words using definitions

A person against whom a legal action is brought

D_ _ _ N _ _ _ T

A person who prosecutes on behalf of the state

P _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _

A person found guilty and sentenced to punishment

_ _ N _ _ _ T

Having committed an offence, responsible for an offence

_ U I_ _ _

The punishment allotted to a convicted criminal

S E _ _ _ _ _ _

Formal accusation of a crime in law

_ _ A _ _ E

  1. Complete the text using the words from the box:

Murderer hospital mind plea

Prosecutor insanity

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