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Revision tasks

Translate the sentences paying attention to the non-finite forms.

  1. Firms usually borrow to finance their set-up and expansion costs, buying capital goods, solicitors’ fees for the paperwork in registering the company, and so on. There is interest to be paid on the money borrowed. This interest is part of the cost of doing business.

  2. Transacting business involves formal negotiations concerning particular clauses of a prospective contract followed by its acceptance and its signing by the contracting parties.

  3. Sales promotion covers a variety of activities aimed at encouraging the customer to buy the given product now and in the future.

  4. In setting up a business, the first thing to do is to estimate how much capital will be needed immediately.

  5. Knowing the available production methods and the costs of hiring labor and machinery, the firm’s managers can calculate the lower cost at which each level of output can be produced.

  6. Supernormal profit is the pure profit accruing to the owners after allowing for all these costs.

  7. By examining how revenues and costs change with the level of output produced and sold, the firm can select the output level which maximizes its profits.

  8. The firm’s costs are the expenses incurred in producing goods or services during a given period.

  9. Opportunity cost is the amount lost by not using the resource (labor or capital) in its best alternative use.

  10. We now show how production costs and demand conditions interact to determine the level of output chosen by a profit – maximizing firm.

  11. Management means coordinating of various ideas, activities and programs in order to achieve a stated objective.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the non-finite forms.

1. Money makes it possible for people to exchange goods and services without having to rely on a system of bartering.

2. Controlling the money supply to help the economy grow steadily without inflation is the Federal Reserve's job.

3. Buying securities on the open market can make it easier for banks to loan money.

4. US consumer prices rose by less than expected in January, easing concerns about growing inflationary pressures.

5. By following a script largely written by politicians and headline-writers, the writers of these letters are in danger of writing themselves out of a job.

6. They had expected to see a surplus in January's budget, allowing it to repay around £2.8bn of its debts.

7. The debate centers on how and when to bring down government borrowing, which has ballooned following the financial crisis and recession, without hurting economic recovery. But that is unlikely to happen if the recovery in Europe disappoints.

8. This economic system also creates poverty by encouraging citizens to make decisions solely on the basis of economics.

9. Government finances were also hit by the billions of dollars pumped into the economy in 2008 to stabilize the banking system.

10. Whichever party forms the next government will need to begin the process of reducing the UK's £178bn budget deficit.

11. Mervyn King talked about needing to have a plan to "bring down" the structural deficit in the lifetime of the Parliament.

12. UK economy has also moved from having below-average debt, to the average, with every chance of moving in the above-average group.

13. By writing their letters this morning, these economists have played into the hands of Labour ministers, who want everyone to be scared of Conservatives bearing axes.

Use the necessary form of the verb given in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Creativity is a combination of different types of (think).

2. They must (develop) strategies for (achieve) satisfactory results.

3. Organizations are more professional in (handle) exchange processes.

4. Marketing management has the task (influence) the level, timing.

5. The organization forms an idea of a (desire) level of transaction.

6. A few financial institutions decided (adopt) the marketing weapons of the soap companies.

7. The interior of the banks had to be redesigned (produce) a warm, friendly atmosphere.

8. The questions (discuss) at the meeting are of primary interest.

9. While (discuss) the budget of the company they came to some unpredictable conclusion.

10. After (make) the report was sent to business partners.

11. Information (provide) here included a name of employer, an address, a date of employment, and a brief summary of duties.

12. They appear (be) good experts in this subject.

13. The tendency was for the market (become) developed.

14. (promote) goods we use all forms of (make) communication.

15. He was the last (suggest) his help.