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Условные предложения (If – clauses)

Условные придаточные предложения вводятся союзами if(если), provided(при условии, если), unless(если не) или бессоюзно за счет изменения порядка слов в предложении (т.е. порядок слов обратный).

Условные предложения можно разбить на три типа.

I тип

Нулевое условие, не связанное с каким-либо конкретным временем

If you add this alloy, you get this substance.

Если вы добавляете этот сплав, то получаете это вещество.

Реальные условия, Относящиеся к настоящему и будущему

If I need any help,

I’ll ask you.

Если мне потребуется помощь, то я попрошу об этом вас.

II тип

Маловероятное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему

If we got a new equipment, we could do everything much quicker.

Если бы мы получили новое оборудование, то смогли бы делать все намного быстрее.

III тип

Нереальное условие, Относящееся к прошлому, или факт, который явно не реализован

If you had mentioned this yesterday, everything would have been done.

Если бы ты упомянул об этом вчера, все было бы уже сделано (но не упомянул, и ничего не было сделано).

Translate the sentences paying attention to Subjunctive Mood forms.

1. I would like to participate in sales.

2. It is desirable that he should be present at the meeting.

3. The advice was that we should carry out the sales by advertising and promotion managers.

4. The manager insisted that the equipment be bought in two days.

5. You should revise the information so that you might remember it.

6. I wish it were a desired level of transactions.

7. I wish the strategies for achieving satisfactory results in these markets had been developed.

8. It was important that marketing management had historically been identified with tasks and personnel dealing with the customer market.

9. In future they could attract resources from one set of markets, convert them into useful products.

10. Such an organization would not have a trading or profit and loss account.

11. These services might be found in family service agencies, mental health centers, child welfare programs.

12. They might go on making investments or give it up at once.

13. Companies would rather hire younger employees at lower wages.

14. Normative definition of full employment might be called the ideal unemployment rate.

15. It would exclude all types of unemployment that represent forms of inefficiency.

Translate the sentences paying attention to Conditionals.

1. If the same bank invested in continuous innovation, it could stay ahead of the other banks.

2. Had the opening balance of an account been known, the closing balance could have been calculated.

3. If your ratings do predict behavior successfully, then your judgments must have been accurate.

4. Were Jones offered any of these products at no cost, we would predict that he would choose the automobile.

5. If gold coins were initially worth more as money than as commodity, gold would be withdrawn from industrial use.

6. It would be an easy decision if you knew the end outcome.

7. Even if all vacancies were to be filled, some unemployed workers would still remain.

8. If the monetary system is stable and functions effectively, who cares how much gold is available to back our money?

9. Had they applied new methods in production, the results would have been much better.

10. If the price lays above the competitive price, this would create an oversupply with firms wishing to produce and sell more than consumers were willing to purchase.