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3. Лингафонный курс

Это полная изоляция от внешнего мира с помощью наушников. Учитель обращается к вам с магнитофонной ленты, а вы должны повторять за ним и отвечать на вопросы. Исправление ошибок также возможно, если заниматься не дома, а в группе с преподавателем.

Назначение. Как для начинающих, так и для продолжающих изучение языка. Идеален для тех, кто собирается за границу надолго (навсегда).

Продолжительность. Занимаясь по часу в день в течение месяца, можно достичь хороших результатов. Если заниматься дольше, это становится скучным.

Плюсы. Можно заниматься, не мешая окружающим. В рамках курса легко использовать аудио- и видеоматериалы и прессу, что оживляет занятия.

Минусы. При больших дозах монотонность приводит к снижению эффективности. Средний учащийся не способен быть сосредоточенным более часа, у него притупляется восприятие.

4. Обучение под гипнозом

Материал усваивается во время искусственного гипнотического сна, то есть без осознанных усилий. Метод не вполне признан и оценивается критически большинством специалистов

Назначение. Рекомендуется начинающим, склонным к авантюрам.

Продолжительность. Зависит и от учителя, и от ученика (от нескольких часов до нескольких недель).

Плюсы. Возможность быстрого преодоления комплексов, мешающих выражать свои мысли на чужом языке. Добросовестные приверженцы метода указывают на необходимость некоторой подготовки по классическим методам и определенных умственных усилий.

Минусы. Одного гипноза недостаточно. Это не более чем вспомогательное средство. Как всякая "новая игрушка", воспринимается скептически большинством специалистов. Надежнее (и гораздо дешевле!) воспользоваться любым из классических методов.

5. Суггестопедия

Это - "игра в театр". Практикуется в группах по 8-14 человек, с преподавателем, имеющим подготовку психолога. Учащийся включает свое воображение, входя в образ, к примеру, своего любимого актера. Задача: обучение в процессе игры и избавление от "тормозов" в развитии устной речи.

Назначение. От нулевого до среднего уровня. Обучение разговорному языку.

Продолжительность. 30 часов в течение одной недели.

Плюсы. Оригинальный метод, позволяющий учиться с удовольствием, избавляясь от комплексов. При хорошей постановке это "сладкое лекарство" для изучающих язык.

Минусы. Имеется риск, связанный с принципом ролевой игры. Трудность состоит в принятии се правил: ошибка ведет к серьезному срыву! От преподавателя требуется высокая квалификация психолога. Все это причины, по которым суггестопедия практикуется очень редко.

статья в журнале "Языкознание", №19, 1995 год, автор Л.Ананьев, кандидат педагогических наук.

Languages. Countries. People





approved of or done by someone in authority, especially the government

The official languages of Canada are English and French.


the language you spoke when you first learned to speak

Lara's native language is Swedish.


more powerful, more common, or more easily noticed than others

The predominant part of any mountains is the highest peak.


speaking or using only one language

a monolingual dictionary


written or spoken in two languages

a bilingual dictionary


written in several different languages or able to speak several different languages

a multilingual phrasebook covering English, French, German, and Italian


Ethnic composition


most of the people or things in a particular group

The majority of lone parents are divorced or separated women.


a small group of people or things within a much larger group

Gaelic is still spoken in Ireland by a tiny minority.

Racial groups

connected with the various races that humans can be divided into

a broad range of racial and ethnic groups

Mixed origin

consisting of many different types of origin, race or class from which someone or their family comes

Americans are people of mixed origin.


who someone is; someone's name, origin, etc

He was chased and shot by the police in a case of mistaken identity.


a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its social or economic structure

the President's radio broadcast to the nation


the legal right of belonging to a particular country

people of the same nationality


connected with or involving more than one nation

an international conference


involving people from several countries

a multinational force sponsored by the UN

To come from

to have started, been produced or first existed in a particular place, thing or time

Where do you come from originally?

To be inhabited by

if animals or people inhabit an area or place, they live there

The island is mainly inhabited by sheep


the belief that your own country is better than any other country

the rise of nationalism in Eastern Europe


your native country, town etc is the place where you were born

They never saw their native land again.

Political life

A federal republic

a federal country or system of government consists of a group of states which have their own government to decide their own affairs, and are controlled by a single national government which makes decisions on foreign affairs, defence etc

Switzerland is a federal republic.

a sovereign state

a sovereign country or state is independent and governs itself

The UN was designed as an association of sovereign states.

A (constitutional) monarchy

the system in which a country is ruled by a king or queen

Britain is a constitutional monarchy.

A presidential republic

a country governed by elected representatives of the people, and led by a president, not a king or queen


a written change or improvement to a law or document, or the process of doing this

an amendment to the resolution


the group of people chosen or elected to make the laws in countries

The President has lost the support of Congress.


an organization of about 50 countries that were once part of the British empire and which are now connected politically and economically

A Commonwealth of Nations was at last reorganized.


a ruler who has complete power over a country, especially when their power has been gained by force

a real little dictator


a system of government in which everyone in the country can vote to elect its members


the part of a government that is responsible for making sure that new laws and other decisions are done in the way they have been planned

The executive brunch is presented by the Parliament.


the group of people who govern a country or state

The new military government does not have popular support.


the person in charge of governing a country that is under the political control of another country


not allowed by the law

They were caught selling illegal drugs.


someone who comes from abroad to live permanently in another country

France is full of immigrants and this is a vital problem nowadays.


connected with a court of law, judges, or their decisions

the judicial system


fairness in the way people are treated

Sometimes I wonder if there's any justice in this world.


allowed, ordered, or approved by law

He had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream.


to make a law about something

There are plans to legislate against computer-related crime.


a legislative institution has the power to make laws

a legislative assembly


most of the people or things in a particular group

The majority of lone parents are divorced or separated women.


someone who goes to another area or country, especially in order to find work

migrant workers in the depression of the 1930s


if birds or animals migrate, they travel from one part of the world to another, especially in the autumn and spring

People often migrate from towns to cities to find a better job.


someone who loves their country and is willing to defend it

Mr Bush praised Weinburger as `a true American patriot'.

political party

Left-wings political parties


the official leader of a country

President Kennedy


a person who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions for someone else

an elected representative of the people


a country governed by elected representatives of the people, and led by a president, not a king or queen

A federal republic


one of the two parts of the government that has the power to make laws, in countries such as the US, Australia, and France, which is smaller than the other part but has a higher rank

The Senate may veto this year's spending bill.


a refusal to give official permission for something, or the right to refuse to give such permission

There is the threat of a presidential veto on this legislation.


Economical geography


the practice or science of farming

Developed agriculture


a particular part of a country, town etc

Many areas of Africa have suffered severe drought this year.


an area of sand or small stones next to the sea or a lake

It was a hot day, and the beach was already crowded with people.


the official line that separates two countries, or the area close to this line

The town lies on the border between the US and Mexico.


the land near the border between two countries

Strict borderland


the official line that marks the edge of a town, country etc

the boundary between the US and Canada


an important town or city where the central government of a country, state etc is

Albany is the capital of New York State.


a large important town, especially one with a cathedral

New York City


a group of people who share the same nationality or religion or who are similar in another way

There are many different ethnic communities living in New York.


an area of Great Britain, the US and some other countries that contains several towns that are governed together

British county


a rich industrial country, nation etc with a lot of business activity

a study of farming methods used in developed countries


a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and improve trade

One of the basic needs in many developing countries is water.


a particular area of a town or the countryside

a semi-detached house in a pleasant suburban district


affecting or including the whole world

AIDS is a global problem which needs a global response.


having a lot of factories, mines, industrial companies etc

the industrialized nations of the West


connected with or involving more than one nation

an international conference


the production of goods, especially in factories

a decline in manufacturing industry


the process or business of producing goods in factories

Thousands of jobs had been lost in manufacturing.


connected with or belonging to a very large city

the Los Angeles metropolitan area


the movement from one place to another of a large group of people, birds, animals etc

the great migrations to America of the 19th century


the ability to move easily from one job, place to live, or social class to another

In America, social mobility is an everyday reality.


the number of people living in a particular area, country etc

a city with a population of over two million


also Province [countable] one of the large areas into which some countries are divided

Sichuan is China's most populous province.


a fairly large area of a country or of the world, usually without exact limits

The invaders occupied important coastal regions


something such as land, minerals, or natural energy that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth

Canada's vast mineral resources


a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc

Computer technology has caused a revolution in business practices.


the action of turning around a fixed point

the rotation of the Earth on its axis


happening in or connected with the countryside, not the city

a peaceful rural setting


a group of houses and buildings where people live, in an area where no group lived before

Wrangell is Alaska's second oldest settlement.


the legal position or condition of a person, group, country etc

What is her immigration status?


knowledge about scientific or industrial methods or the use of these methods

nuclear technology


the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries

There has been a marked increase in trade between East and West.


connected with a town or city

the urban population


having a lot of factories, mines, industrial companies etc

the industrialized nations of the West


strong metal that can be shaped easily, consisting of iron and carbon

A bridge made of steel


a hard, usually shiny substance such as iron, gold, or steel

The frame is made of metal.


a thing such as a car, bus etc that is used for carrying people or things from one place to another

“Is this your vehicle, sir?” asked the policeman.


a company that makes ships


the delivery of goods, especially by ship


the business of a bank

the international banking system


an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you, such as an illness or an accident

health insurance


a word used mainly in business for woven material that is made in large quantities

Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.


a substance used in chemistry or produced by chemistry


the industry connected with making electronic equipment


machines, especially large ones

agricultural machinery


grains of plants such as wheat, barley, and oats or their seeds


the seeds of crops such as corn, wheat, or rice that are gathered for use as food, or these crops themselves


a plant such as a cabbage, carrot, or potato which is eaten raw or cooked and is usually not sweet

vegetable oil

Sugar beets

a vegetable that grows under the ground from which sugar is obtained


failing to achieve what was wanted, especially after much effort

a fruitless attempt to settle the dispute

Mineral resources


a black mineral which is dug from the earth and burnt to produce heat

Bring in some coal for the fire.


a smooth thick mineral liquid that is burned to produce heat, or used to make machines run easily

Check the oil level in your car every week.


a substance like air, which is not solid or liquid, and usually cannot be seen

hydrogen gas


a soft white metal that is often used to cover and protect iron and steel

a tin box


a common hard metal that is used to make steel, is magnetic and is found in very small quantities in food and blood

There were huge iron gates in front of the mansion.


a soft heavy easily melted greyish-blue metal, used for water pipes, covering roofs etc

lead piping


a reddish-brown metal used for making wire


a valuable soft yellow metal that is an element (=simple substance) and is used for making coins, jewellery etc


a hard silver-white metal that is an element (=a simple substance) and is used in the production of other metals


a shiny, whitish, valuable metal that is used to make jewellery, knives, coins etc, and is a chemical element


one of the various forms of a salt1 (1) of phosphorus, widely used in industry

Physical geography

the study of the Earth's surface and of its rivers, mountains etc rather than of the countries it is divided into


the solid dry part of the Earth's surface

After 21 days at sea we sighted land.


the typical weather conditions in a particular area

Los Angeles' warm, dry climate


the area where the land meets the sea

We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle.


a large mass of land surrounded by sea

the continents of Asia and Africa


the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area


the degree to which an area is filled with things or people

population density


the amount of space between two places or things

Sylvia could only run a short distance without getting out of breath.


the way in which people, buildings etc are arranged over a large area

population distribution


all the animals and plants in a particular area, and the way in which they are related to each other and to their environment


the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live

More legislation is needed to protect the environment.


an imaginary line drawn around the middle of the Earth that is exactly the same distance from the North Pole and the South Pole


the solid dry part of the Earth's surface

After 21 days at sea we sighted land.


the main area of land that forms a country, as compared to islands near it that are also part of that country

a ferry service between the islands and the mainland


an inland area, city etc is not near the coast


a word for an island, used in poetry or in names of islands

the Sicily Isles


a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large mass of land


a group of small islands and the large area of sea around them


land used for farming


a large area of land covered with wild grass


knowledge that something is going to happen before it actually does

The senator denied having any foreknowledge of the affair.


all the plants of a particular place or country

the flora of the Alps


all the animals living in a particular area or period in history


a particular place or position, especially in relation to other areas, buildings etc

Could you give me your precise location?


an area where people have never lived before, that not much is known about, especially in the western US before the 20th century

the settlement of the Oklahoma frontier

To be bounded by

if a country or area of land is bounded by something such as a wall, river etc it has the wall etc at its edge

a yard bounded by a rusty fence

To stretch from…to

to make something bigger or looser by pulling it, or to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled

My big, blue sweater has stretched completely out of shape.

To occupy

to live or stay in a place

The Jackson family have occupied this apartment for the past six months.

To be separated by

if something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other or connected with each other

The two towns are separated by a river.

To extend

to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area

The River Nile extends as far as Lake Victoria.

To comprise

to consist of particular parts, groups etc

The house comprises 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.


an area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller


the sharply pointed top of a mountain

peaks covered with snow all the year round


a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it


from or about an area with a lot of mountains

workers in highland Ecuador


an area of land that is lower than the land around it

the Scottish lowlands

(extinct) volcano

a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which hot rocks, lava, and ash sometimes rise into the air from inside the earth

Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79AD.

Water areas


a large area of water surrounded by land

Lake Michigan


a small area of still water, especially one that has been artificially made

a duck pond


land that is always very wet or slightly covered with water


a natural and continuous flow of water in a long line across a country into the sea

the Mississippi River


a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river

a mountain stream


the great mass of salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface

She stood on the beach, gazing at the ocean.


a large area of sea partly enclosed by land

the Gulf of Mexico


a passage that water or other liquids flow along

an irrigation channel


a passage dug out of the ground, either to connect two areas of water so boats can travel between them, or to bring or remove water from somewhere

the Panama Canal


an area of the sea that curves inwards towards the land

I had a view across the bay to white sand and pine trees.


the regular rising and lowering of the level of the sea

driftwood on the beach, brought in by the tide


a very large mass of ice floating in the sea, most of which is under the surface of the water


water that falls straight down over a cliff or big rock


a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley


a continuous movement of water in a particular direction in the sea or in a river

The current was very strong.


the land on the edge of the coast, especially the shape of this land as seen from the air

rocky coastline

To be washed by

To flow from

to come from a particular idea, place, or person

the political wrangle that has flowed from this decision

To drain from

to make the water or liquid flow away from something

Brad drained all the oil from the engine.


a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful has ended or has not happened

I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness.


a large area of flat dry land

the vast plains of central China


a hole or space inside something


a deep valley with very steep sides of rock that usually has a river running through it

national park

an area of natural, historical, or scientific interest which is kept and protected by a government for people to visit

Yosemite National Park

Prime Meridian

the imaginary line drawn from north to south on the earth, from which east and west are measured in degrees on a map

rain forest

a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot

environmental groups campaigning against the destruction of the rain forest


the direction that is at the bottom of a map of the world, below the equator, and is on the right of someone facing the rising sun

I'm lost; which direction is South?


a type of weather or a part of the world that is never very hot or very cold

the temperate zone, north and south of the tropics


one of the two imaginary lines around the world, either the Tropic of Cancer which is 23¼º north of the equator, or the Tropic of Capricorn which is 23¼º south of the equator


coming from or existing in the hottest parts of the world

the tropical rain forests

time zone

one of the 24 areas that the world is divided into, each of which has its own time


the western part of the world and the people that live there, especially Western Europe and North America

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