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Reading and speaking section

Task 1.

A. Before reading the following recipes work in groups. Ask your partners these questions:

  • How many different kinds of desserts and cakes can you think of?

  • What’s your favourite fruit?

  • What are the two typical desserts or cakes which are most popular in your country?

  • Have you got a sweet tooth? Do you sprinkle sugar on you food?

B. The ingredients and instructions for four recipes have been mixed up. Which ingredients (A - D) and instructions (1 - 4) go with each of these dishes?

  • Dorset Apple Cake

  • Somerset Cider Cake

  • Apple and Blackberry Pie

  • Apple Crumble


For the filling; For the pastry;

500 g cooking apples 200 g plain flour

250 g washed blackberries 100 g butter

75 g sugar a little cold water


675 g cooking apple 100 g butter

200 ml apple juice 50 ml honey

5 ml ground cinnamon 5 ml ( 1 teaspoon ) grated

223 g fine whole-wheat flour lemon rind


225 g self- raising flour 100 g sugar

Pinch of salt tablespoons of milk

100 g margarine Grated zest of a lemon

350 g cooking apples, peeled (optional)

and chopped into chunks Brown sugar


700 g raising 4 eggs, beaten

250 ml cider ( or apple juice ) 550 g self- raising flour or

700 g cooking apples, peeled, maybe a bit more if mixture

cored and chopped needs it

450 g sugar 2 level teaspoons coriander

350 g butter or mixed spice

1. Soak the raisins in the cider overnight. Pre-heat oven to 180° C. Mix the butter and sugar until creamy, then add the beaten eggs gradually. Mix the dry ingredients together and add to the creamy mixture with the chopped apple, raisins and cider, adding extra flour if needed. Bake in a roasting tin 30 cm x 25 cm lined with greaseproof paper. Bake in the centre of the oven for 1 hrs at 180C. This is a HUGE cake! If you halve the quantity, if will make a 23 cm cake.

2. Pre- heat the oven to 220° C. First make the pastry and leave it to rest while you prepare the fruit. Peel and slice the apples and put them into the pie dish. Then add the blackberries and the sugar. Roll out the pastry and lay it over the dish to form a lid. Then press down the edges with a fork and make a hole in the centre for the steam to escape from.

Brush the pastry with milk and sprinkle some more sugar on the top. Put the pie into the oven and bake it for ten minutes at 220 C, then turn the heat down to 190 C and bake for another 30 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.

Serve the pie hot with cream or ice cream.

3. Sieve the flour and salt and rub in the margarine. Stir in the rind, sugar and apples. Add the milk and mix to a firm dough.

Place on a large greased baking sheet in an oval shape. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 50 minutes.

Best eaten immediately sprinkled with sugar and served with cream. Also delicious the next day cold. This cake will spread during cooking.

4. Heat the oven to 180 C.

Cut the apples into very small pieces. Put into an ovenproof dish. Pour the apple juice and cinnamon into a mixing jug. Mix together and pour over the apples. Put the flour in a mixing bowl. Gently rub in the butter with your fingertips.

Add the honey and grated lemon rind: stir in carefully with a metal spoon.

Pour the crumble topping over the apple and bake at the bottom of the over form 45-50 minutes or until the topping is browned.

Serve immediately with whipped cream or yogurt.

Highlight the words in A—D that mean the same as these phrases

A. the inside part the outer crust

В. made into a powder brown flour containing all the grain

С. with the outer skin removed cut into small pieces the outer layer of the rind

D. a drink made from apples containing alcohol with the middle part removed flour containing an agent which makes cakes rise

Task 2.

Read the text below and get ready to answer the questions:

  1. Why do you think the service in "The Old Mill" was excellent?

  2. What was wrong with Wardle Trout?

  3. Was the roast lamb overdone?

  4. Who had a second helping of the fresh fruit salad and why?

  5. What is the best way to judge a restaurant’s wine list?

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