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How-to-ask-for-directions instruction

  • Admit that you're lost. The first step in getting help is recognizing that you have a problem. If you've passed that gnarled, spooky oak tree three or four times, the odds are you've been going in circles for the past hour-and if your girlfriend insists, "We should have reached that exit 45 minutes ago," you're probably not only on the wrong road, but in the wrong state.

  • Ask someone knowledgeable. As a general rule, anyone who has to think more than 2 or 3 seconds after you ask, "Hey, do you know where Mahopac Road is?" has either wandered away from his day home's field trip or is trying to be "helpful" in a way that'll get you even more lost than before. Try not to ask directions from kids younger than 10, elderly ladies dressed in 19th-century bustles or stray dogs.

  • Be respectful. Popping your head out of your Jaguar's window and yelling, «Hey, old-timer! Can you tell me what road I can take out of this two-bit town?» is a one-way ticket to plunging your car over an abandoned bridge. Of course, any healthy male you buttonhole will instantly disdain you for not having a sense of direction, but that's the price you pay for not bringing a map.

  • Write the instructions down. «Hang a right at the next light and head down to Old Sutter's Mill» may be the entirety of the directions you receive, but they may just as well continue "then take a left, another left, a right, go «round the traffic circle, pass that abandoned 7-11, close your windows (don't ask why, just trust me) for two or three miles, then make a sharp left when you see a sign that says ...»

  • Know better. Just because you've stopped and asked for directions doesn't mean your male ego has been beaten into unconsciousness. If you suspect the person you've asked doesn't know what he's talking about, feel free to ignore his instructions and take that «shortcut» you've been arguing with your wife about. You may not get where you're going for another 17 hours, but hey, it'll make a great story to share with your grandkids!

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How not to get lost in a big city

The simplest, most convenient and certainly the laziest way of seeing the main sights of any major city is simply to go with the flow and follow the crowds of tourists like a piece of flotsam bobbing along on the stream.

However, for the more adventurous visitors who want to penetrate the hidden gems or for those who aren’t too comfortable in the midst of big, noisy crowds following tourist guides like frantic sheep, there’s always the option of heading out alone. The main problem with this is that it can be remarkably easy to get lost, whether you’re based in a holiday rental flat, a hotel or guesthouse in the city.

Besides, getting lost can actually be a good way of exploring the city. Even so, it’s a good idea to be prepared with a few strategies for finding your bearings so as not to waste too much time during a limited stay.

Try to plan your route. You can navigate your way around the backstreets or hotspots of the city much easier if you have a handy pocket atlas or a map on you. It usually details all of the city’s streets and tube stations. You can pick one up at any bookshop or at a tourist information centre. In addition, buy a guide, in which every interest is photographed and described. It is very useful when exploring the city.

If you’re more up-to-date you could try using an application such as Google Maps for getting around. This will have the added advantage of pointing out the relevant sights and best places to stop off for a snack.

Avoiding the tourist crowds isn’t always possible, especially around the more famous places, but there are a few things you can do to minimize the likelihood of getting swept away in the mad rush. Time your visits for less popular times, such as very early morning or late afternoon. This will give you more elbow space in. The light is often better at such times as well, so the photo opportunities will be improved.

The best way to get around the city is to seek advice from the locals. As they say a clever tongue will take you anywhere. It’s absolutely harmless to ask locals how to get to your destination. It saves a lot of time. Do not be shy to ask, because anyone asks!

There’s nothing worse than panic. This feeling paralyzes you and makes you helpless. Feel free to use any help offered. Do not panic and take the new city as an adventure and challenge!

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