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Shop Assistant: Are you being served?

Mother: No, I'd like to buy a light summer dress for my daughter.

Shop Assistant (addressing Jane, a slim eighteen-year old girl): What size do you wear?

Jane: I don't know exactly. 8 or 10 maybe.

Shop Assistant: What do you think of this pale-blue one, made of silk.

Jane: The dress is not bad, but it's slightly out-of-fashion. Besides, the cut is not perfect, the skirt is too long, the collar looks awful and so do the sleeves. And I don't quite like the colour. I'd like to have a look at this pink one.

Shop Assistant: Just a moment! Well, here you are. The size is yours.

Jane: Thank you greatly. Can I try it on?

Shop Assistant: Certainly, you can. This way, please. (In the fitting-room Jane puts the dress on and looks at the mirror.)

Jane: What do you think, Mum? Isn't it terribly pretty? The cut is fantastic, the colour is raving.

Mother: I'd rather say fabulous! It’s really becoming to you! But, it's a bit loose on you. You look incredibly thin as though you're dying of hunger.

Jane: Mum?!

Shop Assistant: Oh, please, don't say so. It fits her perfectly. Take my advice and buy it.

Mother: How much does it cost?

Shop Assistant: $150.

Mother: It isn't very cheap, is it?

Shop Assistant: But the dress is the last fashion collection. Don't you want your daughter look smart?

Mother: Do you really think so?

Shop Assistant: I’m sure of that. By the way we’ve got a big choice of belts.

Jane: Wow, what a nice thing! It’ll match my shoes, mum! Let’s buy this belt, too.

Shop Assistant: Actually, it’s on sale now. It’s really a good deal!

Mother: Well, where is the cash desk?

Shop Assistant: This way, please. Good luck.

Jane: Thank you, mum! I love you so much!

Practice area

  • Make up a dialogue of your own.

  • Practice the dialogue with your partner.

Unit IV asking for directions

Vocabulary area

Learn the following vocabulary items:

To ask for directions

спросить дорогу

To cross the street

перейти через дорогу

To navigate yourself перемещаться самостоятельно, ориентироваться

To go as far as

идти до

To get lost


To turn left/right

повернуть налево/направо


место назначения

On your left/on your right слева/справа от вас

Map/guide карта/путеводитель

Opposite to напротив

Route маршрут

Next to рядом с

To get to добраться до

Intersection перекресток

To take a bus сесть на автобус

Traffic light(s) светофор

To get off выйти из транспорта

Bus station автобусная остановка

To walk straight along/down/up the street идти прямо вдоль/вниз/вверх по улице



Warm up area

Answer the following questions:

  • Have you ever got lost in the city? What did you do?

  • Is it easy for you to ask people for directions?

  • Do you help those asking for directions?

  • Do you use maps and guides to coordinate your route? Do they always work?

  • Have you ever travelled abroad? How did you manage to get around the new location? Were your language skills well enough?