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IV Look at the underlined words in these sentences. Which is right (the or the)?

  1. Potatoes/The potatoes are not expensive.

  2. This is a good meal. Potatoes/ The potatoes are very nice.

  3. Everybody needs friends/ the friends.

  4. I never drink coffee/the coffee.

  5. “Where’s coffee/ the coffee?” “It’s in the cupboard.”

  6. Jane doesn’t go to parties/the parties very often.

  7. Tennis/The tennis is a very popular sport.

  8. We went for a swim in the river. Water/The water was very cold.

  9. I don’t like swimming in cold water/the cold water.

  10. You must visit the art gallery. Paintings/The paintings are very beautiful.

  11. Money/The money doesn’t always bring happiness/the happiness.

  12. English/The English is the language of international business.

  13. Children/The children learn things/the things very quickly.

  14. Excuse me, can you pass salt/the salt, please?

  15. I enjoy eating in restaurants/the restaurants.

  16. Do you think that capitalism/the capitalism is a good economic system?

  17. I enjoy taking photographs/the photographs. It’s my hobby.

  18. I must show you photographs/the photographs I took when I was on holiday.

V Put in the where necessary. If the sentence is correct, write ‘okay’.

eg.1 Kevin lives in Coronation Street. Okay

eg.2 Have you ever been to National Theater? (The National Theatre)

1. “Where are you staying?” “At Intercontinental Hotel.”

2. Milan is a large city in north of Italy.

3. Brussels is the capital of Belgium.

4. Manila is the capital of Philippines.

  1. National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square in London.

  2. Rocky Mountains are in North America.

  3. In London, Houses of Parliament are beside River Thames.

  4. Texas is famous for oil and cowboys.

  5. Last night we saw a play at Royal Theatre.

  6. Alan studied chemistry at London University.

  7. When I finish my studies, I’m going to United States for a year.

  8. Panama Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

  9. There are two cinemas in our town – Regal and Plaza.

  10. Europe is not a large continent but it has a large population.

VI Translate the sentences.

    1. Я ненавижу дождь.

    2. Он любит деньги больше всего на свете.

    3. Париж – один из самых красивых городов в мире.

    4. Я купил в магазине фрукты.

    5. Всем нужна еда.

    6. Вы часто ходите к стоматологу?

7. Я люблю плавать в море.

  1. Я бы хотел (I’d like) поговорить с менеджером, пожалуйста.

  2. Британия – это остров. Какой самый большой остров в мире?

  3. В этом журнале очень много полезной информации.

  4. Земля – одна из планет нашей солнечной системы.

  5. Эрмитаж привлекает любителей искусcтва (art-lovers) со всего мира.

  6. Ресторан “Глобус” известен разнообразными блюдами европейской кухни.

  7. Я – инженер, и я очень люблю свою работу.

  8. Самая большая река Великобритании – Темза. Лондон расположен на этой реке.

  9. - Вы не знаете, где больница? - Да, знаю, прямо за углом есть новая больница.

  10. Богатые люди любят отдыхать на Канарских островах.

  11. Мой брат купил компьютер в прошлом году. Компьютер – очень хороший.

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