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История человечества тесно связана с постоянным прогрессом, развитием технологий, новыми открытиями и изобретениями. Бесчисленное количество открытий было утрачено в водовороте времени, некоторые технологии устарели и стали историей, иные, не оценённые современниками, ждали признания и внедрения десятки и сотни лет, другие, получили признание с момента изобретения и используются до сих пор. Бесспорно, к последним относится сгущенное молоко.

Гейл умер в 1874 году, но его способ хранения молока в виде сгущенки популярен до сих пор. Технологи утверждают, что технология изготовления молочных консервов не изменилась со времен того самого американского заводика и уже тогда была достаточно совершенной. И действительно, все гениальное просто: выпарили из пастеризованного коровьего молока часть влаги, законсервировали его с сахаром - и больше ничего придумывать не надо.

Борден успел сделать изобретение, ставшее абсолютно необходимым людям и прославившее своего изобретателя. Сгущенное молоко широко используется в кулинарии, вернее в сладкой кулинарии. Без него не обходится ни один пирог, торт или шарлотка. Для детей нет большей радости, чем получить в своё распоряжение целую банку сгущёнки, пробить в ней два отверстия и потихоньку пить.

Сгущенное молоко есть почти в каждом продуктовом магазине мира: Германии, Франции, Болгарии, США, России, Украине и других.

Борден умер в 72 года, признанный и любимый всеми; кто знал его, те думали, что он был гением и те кто не знал его , думали, что он сумасшедший. Но самое главное – он изобретал. Изобретал все, что приносило пользу и выгоду.

Список литературы.

Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://persona.rin.ru/view/f/0/18475/borden-gejl

Кивис/личности.Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://kivis.info/person/1561

Сгущенка в ковбойском седле. Валерий Могильный. Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://tobap.amt.kiev.ua/issues/year2004/issue-106/Borden

 Википедия — свободная энциклопедия. Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D1%E3%F3%F9%B8%ED%ED%EE%E5_%EC%EE%EB%EE%EA%EE

Дойная корова Бордена. История одного бренда. Молочная сфера Вторник 17 Марта 2009 13:18 МСК . Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://www.upakovano.ru/articles/1877

Иосиф Богуславский В МИРЕ ТОРГОВЫХ ЗНАКОВ «Зеркало недели» №21, 27 мая 1995

Дж. Минго "Секреты успеха великих компаний"

Реклама сгущенки Томпсон (2-й эпизод). Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа:


Статья: «Обогащение через сгущение» Журнал «Деньги» № 44 (248) от 10.11.1999

Gail Borden Jr., the founder of the Borden Condensed Milk Company, was born in Norwich, New York, in 1801. He died in 1874, leaving behind a thriving business, two sons, and a host of inventions and patents.

7.Gail Borden

Gail Borden was a surveyor, inventor and businessman. Borden worked as a surveyor during the 1820s and moved to Texas in 1829. As an early pioneer settler in Texas he made the first topographical map of Texas, and in 1838 he surveyed and laid out the site of Galveston.

For a time he edited the Telegraph and Texas Register, a newspaper founded by his brother and another partner to serve as the voice of the government of Texas when it was still a republic. Some claim that Borden wrote the famous headline “Remember the Alamo.”

He turned his creative mind to inventing and soon came up with ideas of developing a meat biscuit in 1851, and after several failed attempts, finally developed a method to make condensed milk in 1853. He had to work hard to convince the U.S. Patent Office to grant him a patent, but he finally obtained one in 1856.

So, the invention for which he is best known is a process using a vacuum evaporator to kill bacteria in fresh milk. He is reported to have committed himself to finding a safe milk product after witnessing several children die aboard ship after drinking contaminated milk. He borrowed the idea for using a vacuum evaporator from the Shakers, who used this technology to preserve fruit. Charles Page and Henri Nestlé also used vacuum evaporators to start their companies. In time, both of these companies would combine to form the Nestlé Company. Borden called his unique product “condensed milk.”

In 1857 Borden established a small company to produce his new product. Borden received financing from Jeremiah Milbank, and in 1858 they formed a partnership called the New York Condensed Milk Company.

Borden’s first major orders came from the U.S. government, which used condensed milk to feed the troops during the Civil War. In a patriotic spirit Borden adopted the American bald eagle as his trademark. In 1930 Borden introduced Elsie the Cow as the company’s mascot and brand identity. Elsie went on to become one of the best-loved trademarks in the country.

Elsie, the world-famous “spokesbovine” of the Borden Milk Company, first began appearing in newspaper and radio advertisements in the 1930s. In these early appearances Elsie is clearly a cow. She stands on all fours; she does not wear clothes, except for a garland of daisies around her neck; and her face is squarish and cowlike, with a broad mouth and big eyes.

At the New York World’s Fair of 1939–1940 Borden’s enormous and enormously successful exhibit featured the Rotolactor, a turntable device on which cows rode while attached to milking machines. Many fairgoers asked the guides which cow was Elsie. It was in response to these inquiries that the Borden Company decided to choose the handsomest Jersey cow at the fair and introduce her as Elsie. The company put Elsie herself on display, and in the second year of the fair an exhibit entitled “Elsie in Her Boudoir” became part of the Borden exhibit.

Over the years Elsie became less of a cow and more of a girl. Her udder was last seen in 1940. Her face became narrower and more human and her eyes more heavily lashed. In 1941 Elsie stood up on her hind legs and began wearing dresses or aprons with a cinched waist that gave her an enviable hourglass figure (for a cow). Andy Warhol chose Elsie, along with Marilyn Monroe, as the subject for one of his paintings of American icons.Borden died at 72, admired and liked by everyone who knew him, those who thought he was a genius and those who thought he had a screw loose. The Borden Family of Companies, named after Gail Borden, does nearly $3 billion of business a year. It sells industrial chemicals, consumer adhesives, housewares and packaged foods — and licenses other companies to sell milk, ice cream and cheese under the Borden name