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  1. Тема урока: Unusual Homes

  2. Цели урока. 1) Практические: учащиеся должны научиться: - использовать новые ЛЕ в высказываниях по теме “Homes”; - извлекать основную информацию из текста на аудирование “Types of Houses”; - использовать новую лексику в диалогах по теме “Homes”; - читать текст по теме с извлечением конкретной информации по заданию учителя. 2) Общеобразовательные: - развитие общего и филологического кругозора; - расширение словарного запаса. 3) Развивающие: - развитие памяти (слуховой, зрительной); - развитие внимания (произвольного). 4) Воспитательные: - развитие у учащихся аккуратности и настойчивости в преодолении трудностей в процессе работы над языком; - воспитание при разговоре на иностранном языке умения внимательно слушать собеседника; - трудовое воспитание (учим учиться); - воспитание эстетического вкуса (аккуратно сделанные наглядные пособия).

  3. Языковой и речевой материал. 1. Языковой материал. Новый - лексика рецептивного характера по теме “Unusual Homes”: a lighthouse, a doubledecker, a zome house, a house-boat; advantage, disadvantage. Для повторения: - грамматическая структура I (dis)like doing smth. 2. Речевой материал. Новый – тексты по теме из Student’s Book, р. 33; ситуации (с опорой на карточки). Для повторения : диалоги по теме.

  4. Оснащение урока. Иллюстративный раздаточный материал (картинки), схема на доске

  5. Ход урока.

I. Подготовка к иноязычной деятельности 1) Организационный момент. Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? I’m fine, and you, N…? Wonderful! You know, today in the morning I read a book. I like reading, and you? Do you like reading, N? I also like walking with my friends. Who likes walking with friends? As for me, I dislike watching sport on television, and you, B.? And who hates making the bed? 2) Group-work. I know that you are friends and like doing many things together. And now in groups of 405 discuss your likes and dislikes, write them down and then you will tell us about them. I give you 3 minutes to get ready. …O.K., now stop talking and discussing, let’s listen to A. and B. … Really? You like … And you, N., do you like …? O.K. Good. And now your group. Good, you’ve worked very well. 3) Проверка домашнего задания. And now let’s check your homework. Open your Activity Books at p. 20 and let’s do Ex. A and B (рассказ о предпочтениях: likes and dislikes) Ex.A: What… likes doing? What …hates doing? T Pl Ex.B : What is your score? Then you are active (like doing things / like relaxing).

II. Ознакомление учащихся с новым языковым материалом. 1) Введение нового языкового материала (путь беседы). – you know, my dear, today we have a great opportunity to travel around the world and see different, even unusual types of houses. Would you like to? Can you imagine a very small house? There is one in Great Britain. You can look at it on p.33 in your Student’s Books. - Do you think that people who live in such a house have problems? What are they?

advantage - What advantages do small houses have? disadvantages - What disadvantages do they have?

In these questions I used two new words: advantage (преимущество) and disadvantage (недостаток). Repeat the words after me. Now, N. you read the words and everybody repeats after you. Учитель обращает внимание на написание слов и приставку “dis” Now answer my questions:

- What advantages does a flat have? - What disadvantages does a computer have? a lighthouse Here are some new words. A lighthouse and

furniture a doubledecker may also be houses. By the way, a doubledecker what is a light-house?/ a doubledecker?/…

a zome house

a house-boat Let’s read and translate these words. Учитель вместе с учениками анализирует написание слов и образование сложных слов.

III.Повторение ранее пройденного и развитие всех видов речевой деятельности (ВРД). 1) Развитие навыков чтения. O.K. Do you think that a lighthouse can be a house for people? Let’s read some texts and you’ll see. It’s p.33 in your Student’s Books. But before it, let’s look at the pictures. You see, they are four and there are only three texts. Your task is to read the texts and match them with the pictures. I give you five minutes. Work in pairs. So, what is left? Let’s check: N1 is…C. Good… Now read the texts once more, paying attention to advantages and disadvantages of lighthouse, a house-boat… I give you 5 minutes. 2) Развитие навыков говорения на основе прочитанного. Ready? Let’s check how you understood it. What are the advantages of …? Good! Well done. – Today we’ll learn about one more house. I think it is the largest house in the world. Would you like to read about it? You, N.? O.K. But loudly, please (чтение теста вслух). So, would you like to live in such a house? What would you like doing in such a house? Group-work You see, boys and girls, I’ve got here some pictures. I want to play now, and you? I’ll give each group a picture with an unusual house. In groups you describe it and say what advantages and disadvantages the houses have. Be quick, the first is the winner, but everything must be correct. (Pupils answer.)

IV.Заключительный этап. – O.K. Very good. You’ve worked very well today and I’m quite satisfied. Now open your day-books and write down your homework for Tuesday: Student’s Book, Ex. D,E,F, p. 34 – in writing. And also at home make up a story about an unusual house and draw its picture. We’ll have a contest. – I think, I’ll give N. and B. “5”s, A – a “4”… You were inventive today / your reaction was good, answers were full and clever… - So, today at the lesson we learned some new words and got acquainted with different unusual houses. I hope it was interesting for you. And now the lesson is over. stand up, please. Good-bye, dear children.

. 3 min.

T Pl

3 min.

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7 min. T P¹

9 min.

T --- P¹

T— Cl

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T --- Cl

5 min.

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T ---Cl

5 min.

T --- P¹

P¹ --- Cl

5 min.

3 min.


Учебник English Together 3” (Diana Webster & Anne Worall)

Тема: Travelling

Цели урока:

Практические. Учащиеся должны научиться: - использовать изученную лексику в небольших высказываниях по теме «Путешествия»; - расспрашивать и отвечать на вопросы по теме “Your home museum”; - соотносить информацию, извлеченную из текста на аудирование, с изображением.

Общеобразовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся.

Развивающие: развитие памяти.

Воспитательные: воспитание эмоционально-оценочного отношения к миру, формирование позитивного отношения к народу-носителю языка.

Языковой материал:

  1. Новый: furniture, bright, good times, race, prize, fame

  2. Для повторения: names of places

Оснащение урока:

Магнитофонная запись с текстом для аудирования, примером диалога и песней; Action Book