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for the 4th year




of Text 1 “Doctor in the House”

by R.Gordon

Developed and compiled by

Zhikhareva N.A., Bezhenar I.S.

Assignments in Interpretation

I. Plot and Plot structure Read more:

(Borisova – pp.10-16)

Study Supplement 2 and answer the following questions:

  1. What type of conflict is the plot based on?

  2. Does the plot comprise a variety of events? Do the events involve physical movement or psychological movement, or both?

  3. Are all the events logically related to the theme of the text?

  4. A successful work of literature requires a suitable setting. From the list given below pick out the functions of the setting in the text 1:

    1. evoking the necessary atmosphere (or mood), appropriate to the general intention of the story;

    2. reinforcing characterization by either paralleling or contrasting the actions;

    3. reflecting the inner state of a character;

    4. placing the character in a recognizable realistic environment (such a setting may include geographical names and allusions to historical events); increasing the credibility of the whole plot;

    5. revealing certain features of the character (especially through domestic interiors);

    6. acting as the chief antagonist whom the hero must overcome when the theme and the main problem involves the conflict between man and nature.

  1. What time span does the story cover?

  2. Define the components of plot structure:

    1. What are the functions of the exposition in the text?

    2. How many events form the complications? Are the events arranged chronologically? Do they catch and hold the reader’s interest?

    3. What is the climax of the story?

    4. Is there a denouement in the story?

  3. Note the devices of presentational sequencing:

    1. trace the retardation used in the story, what did the author gain by applying to it? does it contribute to the humorous (ironical) effect?

    2. in each plot structure component consider literary representational forms (the manner of presentation); such as narration, description, reasoning, direct speech, inner represented speech, the authors digressions; how well did the author use those forms to create real characters and episodes? are the digressions unnecessarily interruptive or do they help to explain the plot (the characters)? Do they in any way affect your attitude to the events of the story?

Useful Phrases and Clichés on Plot and Plot structure

  1. Conflict

    • The conflict is rendered through (one’s thoughts or feelings)

    • The conflict takes place (within one character)

    • The conflict in the given fragment is between …and … (internal, external conflict)

    • The plot is based on the collision between …and …

    • The outcome of the conflict forcibly stresses the message conveyed by the whole text that …

    • The plot is based on several conflicts

    • The analyzed text reveals the conflict between …

    • The conflict between …and … is presented …

  1. Setting

  • The events are localized (in a certain place and in a certain time)

  • The scene is laid

  • The setting is established at the beginning of the story, in the exposition

  • The exposition introduces the reader into the time and place of events

  • The setting is formed in the realistic/ historical/ fantastic/ exotic/ rural/ urban key

  • The author gives the authentic /lifelike picture of …