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On a business trip – presentation

Betsy: Hi Brian, this is Betsy. How are you doing?

Brian: I’ve just returned from the Head Office. The weather is great! Boston is a great city!

Betsy: Have you met Frank yet?

Brian: Nope. We fixed an appointment for tomorrow morning. We are going to meet then.

Betsy: Have you made your presentation yet?

Brian: Yes, I made the presentation yesterday afternoon. I was very nervous, but everything went well.

Betsy: Has management given you any feedback yet?

Brian: Yes, I’ve already met with the sales director. We met immediately after the meeting and he was impressed with our work.

Betsy: That’s great, Brian. Congratulations! Have you visited any museums yet?

Brian: No, I haven’t had any time so far. I hope to take a tour around town tomorrow.

Betsy: Well, I’m happy to hear that everything is going well. I’ll talk to you soon.

Brian: Thanks for calling, Betsy. Bye.

Betsy: Bye.


1Where is Brian?

a) in Boston

b) in London

c) in Paris

4. When he is going to meet Frank?

a) at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning

b) tomorrow afternoon

c) at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening

2. Why is he there?

a) on holiday

b) on business

c) for a performance

5. Why hasn’t he visited any museums yet?

a) He hasn’t had time

b) He doesn’t want to visit any museums

c) He thinks Boston is boring.

3. Has he made the presentation yet?

a) no

b) yes

c) doesn’t say

TASK 34. Open the brackets in the correct tense form.

Tadatoyo Yamamoto, 44, is a Japanese businessman who 1) ____________ (visit) the United States from time to time. While he 2) ____________ (check) into a hotel on a recent visit to Chicago, he 3) ____________ (put) his briefcase on the floor. A few minutes later, Mr. Yamamoto 4) ____________ (reach) down for it, but someone 5) ____________ (steal) it. Inside the briefcase 6) ____________ (be) about $900 in Japanese currency, his passport, his credit cards, photos of his family, and his return ticket to Japan.

A few days later, Mr. Yamamoto 7) ____________ (return) to Tokyo, 8) ____________ (disappoint) and 9) ____________ (disillusion) about the United States. But three weeks later, he received an envelope. There was no letter, but it 10) ____________ (contain) his credit cards, his airline tickets, and other personal items. The return address 11) ____________ (give) the name of Mr. Joseph Loveras in Chicago. Not long after that, Mr. Yamamoto received another envelope 12) ____________ (send) by express delivery. Inside there 13) ____________ (be) money orders for more than $900. It also contained a letter from Mr. Loveras that said, ”I hope this money order and the items … will restore your faith in the people of Chicago.” Mr. Yamamoto was puzzled.

The next time he 14) ____________ (travel) to the United States, Mr. Yamamoto 15) ____________ (call) on Mr. Loveras. Mr. Loveras 16) ____________ (be) a 67-year-old disabled veteran with a total income of $ 493 a month.

He 17) ____________ (explain) that he 18) ___________ (find) the briefcase in a trash can while he 19) ____________ (walk) through a parking lot. For some reason, the thief 20) ____________ (not discover) the money and the airline tickets in the top part of the briefcase and just 21) ____________ (throw) the bag away. Mr. Loveras 22) ____________ (go) to a bank and 23) ____________ (change) the money into money orders, and he spent his own money to send it to Japan. Mr. Yamamoto 24) ____________ (be) very moved by Mr. Loveras’s honesty. “I asked him why he 25) ____________ (go) to all the trouble to return everything to me. He told me that if he had not done that, it would have made him feel bad for the rest of his life.” Now they have become friends, and Mr. Yamamoto 26) ____________ (visit) Mr. Loveras every time he 27) ____________ (be) in the United States.

TASK 35. Translate the following text into English.

На днях я дізнався, що мій колега їде у справах до Кракова. Я вирішив передати з ним деякі папери пану Ковальському в Міністерство закордонних справ. Ми домовились зустрітися з Миколою Петровичем на вокзалі за півгодини до відправлення потягу. Він повинен був їхати потягом, що відправлявся о 10.20. Я приїхав вчасно і сподівався зустріти його одразу ж. Та, напевне, ми не зрозуміли один одного. Микола чекав на мене у приміщенні вокзалу в той час, як я чекав його на вулиці. Я думав, що він запізнюється. Через 15 хвилин я зрозумів, що щось не так. До того ж, я замерз, так як погода була сирою та вітряною. Я вирішив зателефонувати йому на мобільний, але він чомусь не брав слухавку. Напевно, він не чув дзвінка. Нарешті, я знайшов його біля білетних кас. Він хвилювався, так як у нього залишалося лише 10 хвилин. Він повинен був поспішати, щоб не запізнитися на потяг. На щастя, все закінчилося добре.

TASK 36. Open the brackets in the correct tense form.

Mr. Hawk 1) _________ (work) for a big firm in London. His firm 2) _________ (have) good business contacts with a heavy engineering factory in Dublin. Last week Mr. Hawk 3) _________ (go) to Dublin on business and 4) _________ (stay) about a week there.

On Friday afternoon Mr. Hawk 5) _________ (come) back from his business trip. It 6) _________ (be) too late to go to the office. Besides, he 7) _________ (be) very tired after the journey. So he 8) _________ (take) a taxi and 9) _________ (go) home.

On Monday morning he 10) _________ (come) to work a few minutes before eight. He 11) _________ (enter) the office and 12) _________ (find) a number of business letters on his desk. He 13) _________ (sit) down and 14) _________ (begin) to look through the letters. Suddenly the telephone 15) _________ (ring). He 16) _________ (take) up the receiver and 17) _________ (hear) the voice of his chief. The chief 18) _________ (ask) Mr. Hawk to come to his room and discuss the results of the trip.

After the talk with the chief Mr. Hawk 19) _________ (come) back to his office and 20) _________ (continue) his work. At 11 o’clock he 21) _________ (make) some calls. While Mr. Hawk 22) _________ (be) on the telephone his secretary Mary Smith 23) _________ (bring) him a cup of coffee and biscuits. Mr. Hawk 24) _________ (give) her the answers to the business letters and Mary 25) _________ (go) back to her office and 26) _________ (start) typing them.

At 12 o’clock he 27) _________ (go) out for lunch. He usually 28) _________ (have) lunch in the Italian restaurant opposite the firm’s premises. In the afternoon he 29) _________ (have) some visitors. At 5 o’clock he 30) _________ (be) at a meeting with the managers and accountants and 31) _________ (make) a report on his trip to Dublin.

That day Mr. Hawk 32) _________ (leave) the office later than usual. He 33) _________ (come) home at a quarter to eight. Linda and William 34) _________ (be) at home, Margaret and Robert 35) _________ (be) out. They 36) _________ (be) at the cinema. They 37) _________ (return) home a quarter of an hour later, and they all 38) _________ (have) supper together. After supper Mr. Hawk 39) _________ (look) through the papers and 40) _________ (watch) television. At 10.30 he 41) _________ (switch) off the TV-set and 42) _________ (go) to bed.

__________________MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST

TASK 37. Do the following quiz. Check your answers with the ‘Answer Key’.

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