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Properties - something tangible or intangible to which its owner has legal title: properties such as copyrights and trademarks

Advantage - If you have an advantage, you can do something more easily than other people. You are in a better position than other people.

Amazing - If you say that something is amazing, you think it is surprising and interesting — for example, because it is very big or very good. You can also say that somebody is amazing.

announcement - You can hear announcements at an airport or at a train station. They tell important information — for example, which airplanes are arriving or departing, and how to get on these airplanes.

bored - If you are bored with something that you do, you no longer want to do it, because it is not interesting. You want to do something else.

boring - If something is boring, it is not interesting. You don't want to do boring things or read boring books. You can also say that somebody is boring. You don't want to talk to boring people.

brain - The brain is the part of your body which does the thinking. Your brain is in your head.

broadcast - Television networks broadcast their programs, which means that they show them on TV and many people can watch them. Radio stations broadcast their programs, too.

build - If you build your knowledge, vocabulary, etc., you learn more and more of it.

career - Your career is the part of your life which is related to your work. If you make progress, jumps, etc. in your career, you get better and better jobs, earn more and more money, etc.

cartoon - is a funny animated series, shown on TV and watched usually by children. Some famous cartoons include Bugs Bunny, The Flintstones, and Donald Duck.

character - is a person in a movie, book, story, etc. For example, Darth Vader is a character in the movie Star Wars.

composition - is a piece of text that students have to write at school. A composition is short, and it has a subject, which is given by the teacher or chosen by the student.

conduct - When you conduct a task, you organize it and do it. For example, when you conduct an experiment, you prepare it and you watch carefully how things are going.

approach - Your approach to a situation is the way you act in this situation.

awfully - very bad

bilingual - A bilingual dictionary uses two languages. Words in one language are translated into another language. Examples: a Polish-English dictionary, an English-French dictionary.

impressive If something is impressive, it is so good that people are surprised.

insignificant insignificant = not important

inspire If somebody inspires you to do something, you start doing it because you see that they are doing it.

master verb If you have mastered a language, it means that your knowledge of this language is excellent — you are a master.

memorize If you memorize something, you learn it so well that you can repeat it from memory.

memory Your memory is the part of your brain which remembers things. (Your brain is the part of your head which does the thinking.)

merge When two companies merge, they become one company. When two or more things merge, they become one. "Merge" is often used as a technical term in business.

motivate If a thing or a person motivates you to learn English (or do something else), you want to learn English because of that thing or person.

motivation Your motivation to do something is the reason why you want to do it. If you have motivation, you do something because you want to do it — and not because you have to do it.

native speaker Native speakers of English are people whose first language is English. They learned English when they were children. They think in English. They use it naturally. Usually native speakers of

nightmare You are having a nightmare when you sleep in the night and you're having a bad dream (for example, when you are dreaming that someone is trying to kill you). If a situation is very bad, you can also say it is a nightmare.

conference is a meeting for discussion, usually between a large number of people.

confuse When you confuse two things, you don't know the difference between them. For example, if you confuse two people — Paul and Frank — you will sometimes think that Paul is Frank or that Frank is Paul.

cover noun The cover of a book is what you see when the book is closed. Usually, the cover contains the title and the author of the book.

creature is an animal, a person, or anything which is alive.

delighted If you are delighted, you are excited and happy.

dubbed If a film is dubbed, it is a special version where the actors' voices are in another language. Dubbed versions of English-language films are for people who don't understand English.

educated An educated person has been to many schools in their life, and knows a lot. For example, we would say that a person who finished college is educated.

enthusiasm If you do something with enthusiasm, you are happy and excited about doing it.

enthusiastic If you are enthusiastic about doing something, you are happy to be doing it.

envy noun Envy is a feeling. You feel envy when someone has something that you want to have.

exception An exception is something that doesn't agree with a rule. Exceptions are unusual. For example, the rule for making plurals in English is "add an s to the word": one cattwo cats, one dogfour dogs. But there are some exceptions to this rule, such as one mousetwo mice, one mantwo men.

gate At an airport or a train station, a gate is an exit with a number (for example: gate 4, gate 15). You have to go through a gate if you want to get on an airplane or a train.

grade noun A grade is a letter or a number that teachers give you in school. If you do something well, you get a good grade; if you do something poorly, you get a poor grade.


  1. If you call someone "honey", you show that you love them.

  2. Something to eat that is useful and sweety

immediately If something happens immediately, it happens very quickly, without waiting.

official language An official language in a company is a language used for all communication between the people who work there. All the company's documents are written in that language.

paradox A paradox is a situation in which something seems both true and false.

passion If you have a passion for something, you love doing it.

pause verb If you pause a computer game, you stop it.

pronunciation The pronunciation of a word is what you hear when someone says the word. Most words have only one pronunciation, but sometimes a word has two or more pronunciations.

puzzle noun A puzzle is a difficult problem or game made by a person for other people to enjoy. To solve a puzzle, you usually need to think for a long time.

rapidly rapidly = fast, quickly

reinforce When you reinforce a feeling, you make it stronger. When you reinforce someone's behavior, you want that behavior to be the person's habit.

remind If something reminds you of something else, it makes you think about it.