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Zhanibek. Management Theory Assignment 1.rtf
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1. Classical Approach

a) What are the key characteristics of the approach?

Classical writers place emphasis on the planning of work, the technical requirements of the organization, principles of management, and the assumption of rational and logical behavior. Classical writers were concerned with improving the organization structure as a means of increasing efficiency.

Mooney and Reiley set out a number of common principles which relate to all types of organizations. They place particular principles on:

the principle of co0ordination - the need for people to act together with unity of action, the exercise of authority and the need for discipline;

the scalar principle - the hirearchy of organization, the grading of duties and the process of delegation;

the functional principle - specialization and the distinction between different kinds of duties.

b) Does the approach work in practice - if not, why not?

Classical approach was criticized for not taking into account human factors like personality, and for creating an organization structure in which people can exercise only a limited control over their work environment.

Classical approach is still important in practice when considering improving organizational performance, but it might not work if people who work within the structure are not considered.

c) How did the approach help develop management thinking?

The classical approach prompted the start of a more scientific view of management and attempted to provide some common principles applicable to all organizations. The approach provides generalized and more scientific guidelines to the structuring and efficiency of organizations. The principles provide a useful starting point in attempting to analyze effectiveness of the design of organization structure.

d) Is the approach still relevant today?

The approach is still relevant today when considering general mechanisms of structuring an organization and improving its' efficiency.

e) Is the approach only workable in a particular social, cultural and economic context?

The main principles of classical approach are applicable to all types of organizations. However, major sub-groupings of the classical approach can only be workable in specific contexts.

2. Human Relations Approach

a) What are the key characteristics of the approach?

Human relations approach pays attention to the social factors and to the behavior of employees within an organization. In a way considers human relations in improving efficiency of production.

b) Does the approach work in practice - if not, why not?

Hawthorne's experiments illustrate that the approach works in practice. There were four main phases to the Hawthorne's experiments:

the illumination experiments

the relay assembly test room

the interviewing program me

the bank wiring observation room

The illumination experiments led to the fact that production increased because of reasons other than physical conditions of work.

The rely assembly test showed that the extra attention given to the workers, and the apparent interest shown by management, could be the main reason for the increased productivity.

The interviewing program showed workers' true feeling and concerns not only about the organization and management, but also about the issues outside of work.

The bank wiring observation room experiment showed that financial incentives can be overthrown by group pressures and formed group norms.

c) How did the approach help develop management thinking?

The human relations approach helped to look at organization management from a classical approach standing point. It drew attention to workers' feelings and problems inside and outside work.

d) Is the approach still relevant today?

Managers nowadays think it is important to take into account workers relations.

e) Is the approach only workable in a particular social, cultural and economic context?

The approach is applicable to all types of organizations. However, the main principles of human relations approach were developed during the Great Depression, so managers might draw special attention to the approach during the economic slowdowns.

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