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Impression management a term used by Erving Goffman to refer to the altering of the presentation of the self in order to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences. (98)

Looking-glass self A phrase used by Charles Horton Cooley to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions with others. (96)

Midlife crisis A stressful period of self-evaluation, often occurring between the ages of 35 and 50, in which a person realizes that he or she has not achieved certain personal goals and aspirations and that time is running out. (102)

Personality In everyday speech, a person's typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics, and be­havior. (91)

Resocialization The process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one's life. (103)

Reverse socialization The process whereby people normally being socialized are at the same time social­izing their socializers. (108)

Rites of passage Rituals marking the symbolic transi­tion from one social position to another. (101)

Role taking The process of mentally assuming the perspective of another, thereby enabling one to re­spond from that imagined viewpoint. (97)

Self According to George Herbert Mead, the sum total of people's conscious perception of their iden­tity as distinct from others. (98)

Significant others A term used by George Herbert Mead to refer to those individuals who are most im­portant in the development of the self, such as par­ents, friends, and teachers. (98)

Socialization The process whereby people learn the altitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individ­uals as members of a particular culture. (90)

Sociobiology The systematic study of the biological bases of social behavior. (95)

Studied nonobservance A term used by Erving Goff-man to refer to polite behavior intended to allow sav­ing face. (98)

Symbols The gestures, objects, and language which form the basis of human communication. (97)

Total institutions A term coined by Erving Goffman to refer to institutions which regulate all aspects of a person's life under a single authority, such as pris­ons, the military, mental hospitals, and convents. (106)


Baruch, Grace, Rosalind Barnett, and Caryl Rivers. Life Piints: New Patterns of Love and Work for Today's Women. New York: New American Library, 1983. Based on a sample of 238 women ages 35 to 55, this study provides insight into the socialization process of women in the United States.

Bronfenbrenncr, Urie. Two Worlds of Childhood: U.S. and U.S.S.R. New York: Russell Sage, 1970. The noted psychologist offers insight into the coming of age in these societies and focuses particularly on the role of preschool programs.

Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday 1959. Goffman demon­strates his interactionist theory that the self is man­aged in everyday situations in much the same way that a theatrical performer carries out a stage role.

Harlow, Harry F. Learning to Love. New York: Ballantine, 1971. This heavily illustrated book describes the landmark studies of behavior conducted at the Pri­mate Research Center at the University of Wiscon­sin.

Hendry, Joy. Becoming Japanese: The World of the Pre-School Child. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986. Illustrated with photographs, Hendry's book looks at child rearing by Japanese mothers and other caregivers, including teachers at kindergartens and day nurseries.

Kitcher, Philip. Vaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and the Quest for Human Nature. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985. A presentation of sociobiology with a detailed critique of its tenets.

Levinson, Daniel. The Seasons of a Man's Life. New York: Knopf, 1978. This well-received book outlines the stages of life for men in the United States.

Rose, Peter I. (ed.). Socialization and the Life Cycle. New York: St. Martin's, 1979. A variety of articles exam­ine the process of socialization from birth to death and bereavement.

Sheehy, Gail. Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life. New York: Dutton, 1976. A best-seller when it ap­peared, this book presents Sheehy's "sexual dia­mond" concept. In her view, a man and a woman feel the closest bonds to each other at the age of 18 and in later life but are farthest apart in their late thirties and forties.


Among the journals that deal with socialization issues are Adolescence (founded in 1966), Journal of Personal­ity and Social Psychology (1965), and Young Children (1945).

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