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Федеральное Агентство по Культуре и Кинематографии

Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Кино и Телевидения

Advertising (реклама)

методическое пособие

по устной практике английского языка

для студентов II курса ФМК специальность «Реклама»


2009 год

Составитель: доцент кафедры иностранных языков Л.А.Авакян

Рецензенты: зав.кафедрой иностранных языков, доцент, кандидат филологических наук Е.А.Климов; ст.преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков В.В.Барышникова.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов II курса ФМК по специальности «Реклама». Целью данного пособия является развитие и совершенствование навыков устной речи студентов по их специальности. Пособие включает упражнения лексико-грамматического характера на закрепление лексики по изучаемой теме. Предлагаются дополнительные тексты по специальности для их чтения, перевода и обсуждения на английском языке.

Unit 1

The History of Advertising

Task 1

  1. Read the text and translate it.

  2. Retell the text using the following words:

Farmery methods

Product advertising

To hang signs

To be attracted

On-words newspapers, newssheets

Regular information


Freak shows and awards

Advertising tax

Bill posting

Until the 19th century most of people received information by word of mouth. People who traveled from one town to another, like tinkers, traders, or pilgrims, carried stories, information and bits of news from one place to the next. Traveling fairs and circuses operated not only as traveling entertainments, but also to spread information about new farmery methods, fashions in the city or medical remedies.

Product advertising started off simply by traders standing in front of a group of prospective buyers and telling them how good the product was.

Between 1600 and 1800 goods and services were increasing advertised in printed form. Shops hung signs outside so that people would be attracted to buy their wares, whether it was beer or furniture.

From the mid 17th century on-words newspapers, newssheets or mercuries as they were called, began to appear regularly in towns throughout Britain. Merchants and traders needed regular information about their business. Early newspapers contained some foreign news, shipping timetables, list of import and export, announcements from booksellers, wig makers and merchants.

Announcements became important to the newspapers. As well as news and information, they publicized markets and fairs popular at the time. They included notices for freak shows and rewards for lost horses and runaway slaves. With the growth of newspapers traders used newspapers to carry their advertising messages.

Advertising became so successful that an advertising tax was imposed from 1712 to 1853.

Whole books (like catalogues) were devoted to advertising.

Bill posting was another very popular means of advertising. Many people in big towns were employed in locating sites and sticking posters onto walls, very often covering other people’s ads.

With the development of photography the possibilities for combining pictures and words to produce powerful and persuasive images were greatly increased. But because photos could not be reproduced in newspapers and magazines until the 1920s advertising went on using drawn images and words.

Task 2

Many advertisements contain a slogan or short phrase to attract the consumer’s attention.

Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember, easy to repeat and easy to translate for international markets.

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