- •Затверджено Методичною радою нтуу “кпі”
- •Module 1 text a
- •1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
- •9. Put the questions to the underlined words.
- •10. Communicative situations:
- •11. Summarize and retell the text. Text b welding: introduction
- •1. Learn the new words and word combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Why?
- •5. Complete the following sentences:
- •6. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word combinations.
- •7. Chose the correct definition to the word:
- •8. Fill in the gaps with proper prepositions.
- •9. Put the questions to the underline words or word combinations.
- •10. Communicative situations:
- •11. Make up a summary of the text and use it to retell the text. Text c bending, projection, shearing, staking
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
- •5. Combine the following words to get proper terms:
- •6. Make the nouns from the verbs:
- •7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
- •8. Fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.
- •9. Complete the following sentences:
- •Self-assessment module 1
- •4. Give the English equivalents of the words:
- •6. Choose the topic and prepare your mini-presentation:
- •Module 2 text a systems of automatic control of arc welding
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Why?
- •5. Complete the following sentences choosing the right word in brackets.
- •6. Put the following words in the correct order.
- •7. Put questions to the following answers:
- •8. Find the English equivalents of the following words:
- •9. Find in the text the sentences with Passive Voice.
- •10. Retell the text. Text b electro-slag welding
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the new words and word combinations:
- •Text c ultrasonic welding
- •Exercises
- •6. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:
- •Self-assessment module 2
- •2.Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:
- •3. Are the following statements true or false?
- •4. Give the definitions to the following words:
- •5. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- •6. Choose the topic and prepare your mini-presentation:
- •Module 3 text a friction stir welding (fsw) of aluminium alloys
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn new words and word combinations:
- •10. Complete the questions on the text.
- •11. Communicative situations:
- •12. Retell the text. Text b plasma
- •Exercises
- •5. Continue the following sentences:
- •6. Fill in the gaps using the following words and word-combinations:
- •7. Find in the text the sentences with Passive Voice.
- •8. Make 10 questions to the text.
- •9. Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences:
- •10. Retell the text. Text c laser welding
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Decide, whether the statements below are true or false. Why?
- •5. Put all possible questions to the sentences.
- •6. Choose the correct definition to the word:
- •7. Fill in the gaps with a proper article.
- •Self-assessment module 3
- •2. Make the verbs from the nouns:
- •3. Give the definitions to the following words:
- •4. Are the following statements true or false?
- •5. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words:
- •6. Choose the topic and prepare your mini-presentation:
- •Module 4 text a some aspects of corrosion of high-alloy steel
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Are the following statements about the text true of false? Why?
- •5. Fill in the gaps using the following words and word-combinations:
- •6. Put all possible questions to the following sentences:
- •7. Complete the following sentences from the text:
- •8. Put the following verbs in the correct form.
- •9. Find in the text the sentences with the modal verbs. Explain them.
- •10. Put ten questions to the text.
- •11. Retell the text. Text b electric welding of soft tissues in surgery
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the following words and word combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Combine the following words to receive proper terms:
- •5. Insert the following preposition (in-5,with-2, on-1, by-2, of-4, for-2).
- •6. Give three forms of comparison of the following adjectives:
- •7. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
- •8. Put the verbs in brackets in a proper form.
- •9. Complete the questions on the text.
- •10. Communicative situations:
- •11. Retell the text. Text c thermit welding
- •Exercises
- •1. Learn the following words and word-combinations:
- •2. Read and translate the text.
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Are the following statements about the text true or false? Why?
- •5. Fill in the gaps using the following words and word-combinations:
- •6. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Participles.
- •Self-assessment module 4
- •2. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:
- •3. Are the following statements true or false?
- •4. Read the text. Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the floating welded mega-structures.
- •5. Choose the topic and prepare your mini-presentation:
- •Appendix
- •2. English proverbs and sayings.
- •Content
Затверджено Методичною радою нтуу “кпі”
Затверджено на методичному засіданні кафедри англійської мови № 2 Протокол №___ від “___”_________2005p.
Методичні вказівки для науково-дослідної роботи студентів ІІІ курсів всіх спеціальностей зварювального факультету / Укл. Овадюк О.В, Свірепчук І.А. – К : КПІ, 2005. – 56 с.
Укладачі : Овадюк Ольга Валеріївна
Свірепчук Ірина Алімівна
Рецензент: Павлова Тетяна Павлівна
Редактор: Синeкоп Оксана Степанівна
Друкується за рішенням вченої ради НТУУ КПІ ( протокол № від 2005 року).
П е р е д м о в а
Ці методичні вказівки розраховані на студентів 3 курсу всіх спеціальностей зварювального факультету і складені у відповідності з програмою, яка передбачає формування у студентів іншомовних умінь та навичок, необхідних для їх майбутньої професійної діяльності. Зокрема, студенти повинні вміти працювати зі спеціальною літературою, розгортати задану тезу в міні-монолог, підтримувати розмову за професійною тематикою. Це можна здійснити на основі збагачення словникового запасу студентів загальновживаною, загальнонауковою та термінологічною лексикою, а також за допомогою формування навичок з перекладу та вживання граматичних конструкцій, найбільш характерних для науково-технічних текстів з даної спеціальності.
Учбовий матеріал відібрано та організовано з урахуванням відповідних методичних принципів. Зміст учбових текстів відповідає даній спеціальності. Всі тексти супроводжуються тренувальними та мовленевими вправами. Тренувальні вправи спрямовані на формування вміння оперувати лексичним і граматичним матеріалом. Метою мовленевих вправ є формування у студентів навичок щодо висловлювання своїх думок іноземною мовою та користування спеціальною літературою у професійній діяльності.
Мета даних методичних вказівок – розширення та закріплення студентами термінологічної лексики за фахом та надбання ними навичок граматичних конструкцій, що дозволяє перекладати неадаптовані тексти за фахом.
Методичні вказівки розраховані для роботи зі студентами в аудиторії та для самостійної роботи.
Module 1 text a
Welding can trace its historic development back to ancient times. The earliest examples came from the Bronze Age. Small gold circular boxes were made by pressure welding lap joints together. It is estimated that these boxes were made more than 2000 years ago. During the Iron Age the Egyptians and people in the eastern Mediterranean area learned to weld pieces of iron together. Many tools were found which were made approximately 1000 B.C.
During the Middle Ages, the art of blacksmithing was developed and many items of iron were produced which were welded by hammering. It was not until the 19th century that welding, as we know it today was invented.
Edmund Davy of England is credited with the discovery of acetylene in 1836. The production of an arc between two carbon electrodes using a battery is credited to Sir Humphry Davy in 1800.
Auguste De Meritens, working in the Cabot Laboratory in France, used the heat of an arc for joining lead plates for storage batteries in the year 1881.
In 1890, C.L. Coffin of Detroit was awarded the first U.S. patent for an arc welding process using a metal electrode.
Elihu Thompson originated resistance welding. His patents were dated 1885-1900. In 1903, a German named Goldschmidt invented thermit welding that was first used to weld railroad rails. Gas welding and cutting were perfected during this period as well.
In 1920, automatic welding was introduced. It utilized bare electrode wire operated on direct current and utilized arc voltage as the basis of regulating the feed rate. Automatic welding was invented by P.O. Nobel of the General Electric Company.
The gas shielded metal arc welding (GMAW) process was successfully developed at Battelle Memorial Institute in 1948 under the sponsorship of the Air Reduction Company. This development utilized the gas-shielded arc similar to the gas tungsten arc.
The electro slag welding process was announced by the Soviets at the Brussels World Fair in Belgium in 1958. It had been used in the Soviet Union since 1951, but was based on work done in the United States by R.K. Hopkins, who was granted patents in 1940.
Gage invented plasma arc welding in 1957. The electron beam welding process, which uses a focused beam of electrons as a heat source in a vacuum chamber, was developed in France. In the United States, the automotive and aircraft engine industries are the major users of electron beam welding.
Most Recent
Friction welding, which uses rotational speed and upset pressure to provide friction heat, was developed in the Soviet Union. It is a specialized process and has applications only where a sufficient volume of similar parts is to be welded because of the initial expense for equipment and tooling. This process is called inertia welding.
Laser welding is one of the newest processes. The laser was originally developed at the Bell Telephone Laboratories as a communications device. Because of the tremendous concentration of energy in a small space, it proved to be a powerful heat source. It has been used for cutting metals and nonmetals. The laser is finding welding applications in metalworking operations.