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Самостійна робота №14

Тема: Технічний переклад та переказ тексту за фахом: «Безпека та збереження інформації»

Завдання до самостійної роботи:

  1. Скласти словник незнайомих слів з тексту (не менше 10 слів).








  1. Вивчити слова на пам'ять

  2. Усно перекласти текст українською мовою. Перекласти абзаци №2, 4, 5 тексту письмово українською мовою

  3. Скласти анотацію англійською мовою (письмово)

  4. Переказати текст згідно анотації.

«Security And Safety»

  1. Protecting data from electronic invaders is one thing - but how do you protect your data from people inside the organization? One obvious control is to limit access. Personnel who use computers must be carefully screened - just as they would be for any sensitive position within the company. Just as auditors inspect a company's financial records, so too can they inspect a computer log to determine who has had access to what, and when. Have there been too many data corrections? Are the same people who wrote the programs running them? An old data security rule was never to let the programmer operate the computer -and beware of any computer operator who refused to take vacation or sick days.

  2. Passwords are an old means that still work for limiting access. If you share a computer or are in the habit of leaving it on while you go to lunch, can foil trespass by making entry into the program or file contingent on a password. True, passwords can be guessed or worked out by determined spies, but changing them frequently makes such exercises more difficult. Other cautions include not posting your password on the computer or jotting it on the edge of your desk calendar and not using such easily guessed combinations as your birth-date or your mother's maiden name.

  3. Waste - from used printer ribbons to printout - should be routinely shredded or otherwise disposed of safely. If it isn't done routinely, the day you forget to do it will be the day proprietary secrets land in the wrong basket.

  4. As computers become more popular, so does computer crime. And now that laptop computers have shrunk in size, swiping a computer has become even easier. Laptops have been stolen from people like the chairman of Compaq Computer Corporation, Ben Rosen, and even from General Norman Schwarzkopf! The real danger for many corporations is not so much the loss of me equipment, as annoying as that is, but the loss of valuable - perhaps irreplaceable - information. Thieves can earn $10,000 per laptop, provided it belongs to the correct corporate or government official. Companies do, of course, have ways of protecting themselves from such crime. Methods range from the computer equivalent of locking a bicycle up with a chain, to elaborate procedures to ensure a stolen laptop cannot be connected to the corporate database.

  5. Although today's microcomputer is sturdy, it is not indestructible. Dropping ashes or liquids into it is frowned upon; so is using magnets to hold messages to it, clipping disks with magnetized paper clips, or placing the disk you just spilled coffee on in front of an electric heater. Surge protectors - usually multiple-outlet extension cords with built-in circuit breakers - are wise investments. They prevent electrical spikes from harming either the computer or your data; some also protect your telephone-modem line. Uninterruptible power sources provide backup power that will keep the computer running at least long enough to save your data; some let you keep working even longer.

  6. Fire is another danger. Large computer centers are generally protected by smoke detectors and fire extinguishers; they often use commercial off-site storage for backup records - especially copies of sensitive data and customized software. Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are a good idea in general; placing them conveniently close to your own computer may make it possible for you to extinguish a small fire quickly with no clanger to yourself. Off-site storage of your backup records - even if it's in the barn or a friend's closet - can also save you grief hours of trying to reconstruct lost files.