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II. Translate the passage into Russian.

It's impossible to live without metals. The main advantage of metals is their strength and toughness. Concrete is used in building because it has steel for strength. Plastics are lighter than metals but they are not usually very strong.

Not all metals are strong, however. Copper and aluminium, for example, are both fairly weak. But the alloy of these metals, which is called aluminium bonze, is much stronger than pure copper or pure aluminium. In general, alloys are used for obtaining special valuable properties, such as strength, toughness, resistance to wear, magnetic properties, high electrical resistance or corrosion resistance.

Check Your Progress

II. The following adjectives are used for giving precise description of objects. Arrange the adjectives in three groups accordingly.



properties of materials

light, circular, copper, brittle, cylindrical, flexible, glass, gold, oval, iron, elastic, rectangular, rubber, rigid, round, square, cement, tough

III. Read the description of the first picture, complete the description of the second picture and make the third description yourself.




This is a big rectangle. Inside the rectangle there is a circle, a small square and three triangles. On the left at the top there is a small circle. On the right at the top there is a small square. In the middle there are three small triangles. On the right at the bottom there is a point.

This is a big … . … the triangle … the left there is a … . At the … there is a … … . Outside the triangle on the … there is a … … . Outside the triangle on the … there is a small … near the top.

III. Fill in the gaps using the proper preposition.

  1. This device is made … plastic.

  2. These metals are widely used … making bolts, screws, pipes, rods, nuts, wires.

  3. This is a tool … turning in screws.

  4. We make holes … the help … an electric drill.

  5. There is a lot … carbon … diesel fuel.

  6. We have got plenty … petrol in the petrol tank.

  7. There are not many lorries … four-stroke petrol engines.

  8. There are two cars … this garage.

  9. The length … the ruler is 1m.

  10. This tank is full … liquid.

IV. Ask your friend to name the following instruments and tools.

Example: Maria: This object is made of plastic and steel. The blades are made of plastic and the guard is made of steel. It is used for airing. What is it? Oleg: This is a fan.

  1. This object is made of wood and metal. It has a handle and a blade. It is used for…

  2. This object is made of wood and steel. It has a head and a handle. It is used for…

  3. This object is normally made of wood and plastic. It is rectangular and has a handle. It is used for…

  4. This object is made of plastic and steel. It has a handle and a blade. It is used for…

  5. This object is made of wood and iron. It has four sides and a lid. It is used for…

Answers: a door, a hammer, a knife, a chisel, a box.

V. Solve the following problems.

  1. A rectangle is 1.35 cm long, 7.05 cm high. Define its area.

  2. A parallelepiped is 1/3 m long, 1/4 m high and 2/9 m wide. Define its volume.

VI. Play the guessing game. Think of an object and your friend must find out what it is. He can ask no more than ten questions.

Possible questions:

Is it made of wood/metal/glass/ …?

Is it useful?

Is it liquid?

Is it hard/soft/heavy/light/ …?

What's the shape of the object?

What's the width/length/height of it?

Is there one in this room?

Is it on/under the table?

VII Do the engineering materials quiz. Is there anyone in your group who knows all the answers?

  1. What material is the most flexible? a)rubber b)glass c)plastic

  2. What material is the weakest? a)steel b)rubber c)plastic

  3. What metal is the most expensive? a)aluminium b)copper c)steel

  4. What material is the lightest? a)metal b)rubber c)plastic

  5. What metal is the most plastic? a)aluminium b)copper c)steel

  6. What material is the least flexible? a)steel b)rubber c)plastic

  1. VIII.

IX. Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. Let me to introduce myself. My name's Andrew Kosov.

  2. Who is this man? – He's an engineer.

  3. What a shape is the box? – The box is rectangular.

  4. Are these objects have different shapes?

  5. – How width is the block?

  6. – The long of the wall is 7 m.

  7. The screw is the shortest than the nail.

  8. – How many motor vehicles there are with mixed fuel engines?

  9. – Are there some motorcycles with gas engines?

  10. – This instrument is used to indicating the speed of a car. It's called a speedometer.

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