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III. Match the sentences with the pictures.

  1. The switch is below the window.

  2. The screwdriver is in the box.

  3. The switch is above the window.

  4. The switch is between the window and the door.

  5. The screwdriver is on the table.

  6. The screwdriver is under the table.

  7. The switch is beside the window.

IV. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.

Example: (a) The screwdriver is under the shelf. FALSE. The screwdriver is on the shelf.


The screwdriver is under the shelf.


The door is between the socket and the table.


The ruler is in the drawer.


The switch is below the table.


The box is on the table.


The socket is above the window.


The screw is under the box.


The socket is on the table.


The saw is on the shelf.

V. A) Put the following pictures in the correct order.

b) Arrange the following instructions to fill in the gaps.

First, you …

Then you …

Next, … but don't …

Now, you … and …

Finally, … and …

  1. Switch on the drill.

  2. Place the wood in a vice.

  3. Place the bit over the mark.

  4. Tighten the vice.

  5. Take the electric drill.

  6. Drill the hole.

  7. Mark the hole.

  8. Do not overtighten.

VI. Match the words from the three columns.

Student A: Ask your friend how to do the following jobs.

Student B: Give your friend instructions.

Example: (a)-(5)-(c) – How to remove this nail from the tyre? – Pull it firmly with a pair of pliers.




a) remove / nail / tyre

b) make / hole / steel pipe

c) join / cables

d) check / concrete / dry

e) check / width / shelf

f) paint / wall

1) twist / tightly

2) press / gently

3) drill / carefully

4) measure / carefully

5) pull / firmly

6) spread / evenly

a) electric drill

b) finger

c) pair of pliers

d) brush

e) ruler

VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

  1. – Это мастерская? – Да.

  2. – Где находится верстак, - По-моему, он стоит в центре мастерской.

  3. – Где коробка с инструментами? Она на полке? – Нет, мне кажется, она под полкой.

  4. – Плоскогубцы находятся в коробке, не так ли? – Нет, я думаю, что плоскогубцы и молоток на полке за столом.

  5. – Дай мне, пожалуйста, гвозди и шурупы. – Держи.

  6. Инструкция по технике безопасности висит над рабочим столом.

  7. Коробка с инструментами стоит справа, а коробочка с шурупами и гайками находится слева.

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