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Reading and Speaking

I. Look at the picture and say what it is. Read the text to see if you are right.

This is a workshop. Two students are here. They are Sveta and Oleg. They are electricians. A toolboard is in the middle of the workshop. Many tools are on the toolboard. They are chisels, screwdrivers, a pair of pliers, a set of spanners, etc.

A safety-notice is above the toolboard. The bench is on the left and the shelf is on the right. There are many nails, nuts and screws on the shelf. They are large and small. The hammer is not on the shelf, it is on the bench. The switch is between the bench and the shelf. Sveta is to the right of the bench near the switch. Oleg is on the other side of the workshop just opposite the toolboard.

II. Answer the questions given below.

  1. This is a workshop, isn't it?

  2. What are the names of the students?

  3. What are Oleg and Sveta?

  4. Where is the toolboard?

  5. Where are the tools?

  6. What are they?

  7. Is the bench on the right or on the left?

  8. The hammer is not on the shelf, is it?

  9. Where are the students?

III. Fill in the gaps and reproduce the text.

This is a … . A toolboard is in the ... ... the workshop. Many ... are … the toolboard. They are chisels, …, a pair of ... , a ... of spanners. A safety-notice is ... the toolboard. A bench is … the ... and a shelf is … the .… There are many nuts, ..., ... on the shelf. They … large and small. A hammer ... on the shelf, it is ... the …. A switch is ... the bench and the shelf. Oleg is ... the toolboard. Sveta ... to the ... of the bench.


I. Ask your partner about the location of the objects below. Use different ways of expressing your opinion.

Example: the nails / in the packet / in the box – The nails are in the packet, aren't they? – No, I think they are in the box.

the instruments / on the table / in the toolbox

a pair of pliers / on the toolboard / on the shelf

a set of chisels / to the right of the files / to the left of the files

the switches / above the bench / under the bench

the nuts / among the nails / among the screws

II. You are in the workshop. Ask your friend to bring the tools you need. You may start like this.

A: Give me some nails, please. B: What nails? Big or small? A: The biggest ones. B: Where are they? A: Well, I think they are in the box. B: No, they are in the drawer. A: Here you are. B: Thanks. A: Now give me, please, … B: …


I. Write a safety-notice for a workshop. Use the words below.








machines with a brush – never with your hands.

a workpiece in a vice.

metal ladders near electrical wires.

goggles when you grind something.

workshop floors clean and free from oil.

damaged switches.

II. Link two instructions into one.

Example: (a) First switch off the mains. Then touch that wire. Switch off the mains before you touch that wire.

  1. First switch off the mains. Then touch that wire.

  2. First sharpen the chisel. Then use it.

  3. First get into the car. Then drive it.

  4. First mark the wood. Then saw it.

  5. First remove the plug from the socket. Then cut the wire.

  6. First put your goggles on. Then hammer the stone.

  7. First put the guard down. Then grind the chisel.

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