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Word-building suffixes.doc
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Interviewer / trainer / employer / interviewee / trainee / employee

1 I was given a pay rise of £1,000 by my ________.

2 A football team normally has a ________ to keep the players fit.

3 A television ________ should always give the ________ a proper chance to express his or her opinions.

4 That company has 200 people working in its factory. My brother works there and I am an ________.

5 At the moment he’s a management ________. If he’s successful, he’ll be given his first responsible position in January.

    1. Form nouns by means of the suffix ing. Translate them.

Model: to build – building (строить – здание)

to read, to begin, to kidnap, to kill, to gather, to mean, to broadcast, to build, to coat, to draw.

    1. Form nouns by means of the suffix ist. Translate them.

Model: telegraph – telegraphist (телеграф – телеграфист)

special, social, geology, ecology, natural, style, cycle, strategy, physics, human, economy

1.5 Make other nouns describing people by adding ist or –ian to the end and making any other necessary spelling changes.

Model: Brazil – Brazilian violin – violinist

motor, electricity, Paris, piano, history, art, politics, economy, bicycle, journal, magic, science, comedy, flower, music, archaeology, tobacco, terror

    1. Form nouns by means of the suffix -tion /-sion /-ssion. Translate them.

Model: to combine – combination (комбинировать, сочетать – комбинация, сочетание)

to inform, to divide, to decide, to convert, to construct, to interact, to collect, to penetrate, to gasify, to impress, to transmit, to permit, to express, to discuss

    1. Form nouns by means of the suffix ment. Translate them.

Model: to attach – attachment (прикреплять, привязывать – прикрепление, привязанность)

to measure, to move, to treat, to state, to improve, to agree, to equip, to announce, to pronounce, to require

    1. Form nouns by means of the suffix ness. Translate them.

Model: black – blackness (черный – чернота, темнота)

thick, great, rough, guilt, bright, cold, exact, hard, effective

    1. Define the root of the following words. Translate them.

Model: production – product (продукция – продукт, результат)

scientist, reporter, operator, attachment, measurement, multiplication, beginning, division, radiator, relationship, brotherhood, illustration, leadership, kindness, shortage, difference, mixture, realist, relativity, leakage, usage, judgement, conclusion

    1. Find the equivalents of these nouns.

1 отражение, отблеск (reflect, reflector, reflection, reflective)

2 академик (academic, academical, academician, academy)

3 несчастный случай (accidentally, accidental, accident)

4 деятельность (activity, action, actionable, active, activate)

5 путешествие, поездка (tourist, tourism, tour, tourer)

6 забота, внимание (careless, careful, carefree, carefully, care)

7 истребитель, искоренитель ( exterminatory, exterminator, exterminate, extermination)

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