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Болдак - Английский в фокусе ч.1.DOC
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Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises Exercise 1. (Text 1) Answer each question with a complete sentence.

  1. It is 7.30. Is Frank having breakfast and listening to music on the radio?

  2. Is his wife Alice carrying a tray with coffee on it?

  3. It is 11.30. Are Alice and her friends having morning coffee?

  4. What are they talking about?

  5. Is one of them wearing a very strange hat?

  6. It is 12 o’clock. Where is Frank eating?

  7. Are a lot of men standing in a queue?

  8. What are they waiting for?

  9. Is it raining outside?

  10. Are Frank and his friends still having a break?

  11. Are they standing and talking about a football match this evening?

  12. It is 8 o’clock in the evening. Is Frank watching television?

  13. What is Susan doing?

  14. What is Frank watching?

  15. It is 11 o’clock. Is Susan talking to Tom?

  16. Where is he phoning from?

Exercise 2. (Text 1) Change each sentence into a special question.

  1. Frank is listening to some music on the radio now.

  2. Alice is carrying a tray with some coffee on it.

  3. Alice and her friends are having morning coffee.

  4. Frank is eating in the factory canteen.

  5. A lot of men are standing in a queue.

  6. It is raining outside.

  7. Frank and his friends are still having a break.

  8. Frank is watching a football match.

  9. Susan is talking to Tom.

  10. Tom is phoning from Paris.

Exercise 3. (Text 2) Answer the questions:

  1. What is Tina’s mother writing?

  2. What is she doing on the beach?

  3. What are Tina and Jack doing?

  4. Where is Max?

  5. What is Tom doing?

  6. Are they having a nice holiday?

  7. What is Abercwn?

  8. Is everybody in Abercwn friendly?

  9. Are they doing what they want to do?

  10. Is the food lovely?

Exercise 4. (Text 3) Answer the questions.

  1. What is Harold doing?

  2. Where is Harold coming from?

  3. Where is Nancy going to?

  4. Is Nancy waiting for a number 24?

  5. What are the people at the bus stop doing?

  6. Are they also waiting for a bus?

  7. Is the bus going to Charring Cross Road?

Exercise 5. Dictation-translation.


  1. 7.30. Фрэнк завтракает и слушает музыку по радио.

  2. Его жена Элис несет поднос с кофе.

  3. 11.30. Элис с подругами пьют утренний кофе. Они разговаривают о своих мужьях.

  4. 12 часов. Фрэнк обедает в фабричной столовой.

  5. Много людей стоят в очереди. Они ждут обеда.

  6. На улице идет дождь.

  7. У Фрэнка и его друзей все еще обеденный перерыв. Они стоят и разговаривают о футбольном матче, который состоится сегодня вечером.

  8. 8 часов вечера. Фрэнк смотрит футбольный матч.

  9. 11 часов. Сюзан разговаривает с Томом. Он звонит из Парижа.

  10. Она спрашивает: «Ты хорошо проводишь время?»

Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Which use is expressed in the following sentences:

  1. an activity happening now,

  2. an activity happening around now,

  3. a planned future arrangement.

  1. It’s eight o’clock, Meg. Are you getting ready for school?

  2. What time are Pat and Peter coming for dinner tonight?

  3. I’m working hard these days.

  4. «Where’s Jim?» - «He’s taking the dog out for a walk».

  5. Why are you laughing?

  6. «What are you doing after school?» - «I don’t know. Why?»

  7. I’m learning French at night school.

  8. Charles is taking psychology this semester.

  9. What are you thinking about?

  10. Look! The bus is stopping.