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Анг. методичка по Глоб.Макроэконом.Политика (Ин...doc
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Kyiv international university



Глобальна макроекономічна політика

Complex Teaching Program

Навчально-методичний комплекс

Kyiv – 2009


Complex Teaching Program

Глобальна макроекономічна політика

Навчально-методичний комплекс

Compiled by:

Indychenko I.V.

Discussed and approved by the Department of International economic relations

28 August 2009

The objectives and the tasks of the discipline

The objective of the discipline “Global macroeconomic policy” is to extend understanding concerning regularities of national economy functioning and development as open economic system in its cooperation with the world economy; to come to know ways and methods of effective using limited society’s industrial resources and choice of rational state’s economic policy under the globalization.

The tasks of the cource are to teach magistracy students independently analyze macroeconomic processes related to open economy, to acquaint with peculiarities of macroeconomic policy forming and realization under the globalization.

Students are supposed to know:

  • the general regularities of national economy development in the open economy;

  • the mechanism and regularities of macroeconomic policy forming and realization;

  • the essence of globalization and its influence on national economies;

  • the criterions of effective using instruments of state economic regulation;

  • the means of optimizing the level of national economy openness to the globalizational processes.

Students are required to be able:

  • to know assess practically results of macroeconomic policy in the open economy;

  • to analyze causes and possible outcomes of positive and negative processes in economy;

  • to determine the optimal level of economy openness;

  • to forecast macroeconomic policy measures directed on neutralization of the negative globalization features;

  • to characterize the macroeconomic forecasts quality concerning world and national economic development.

The program course

Theme 1. The theoretical bases of macroeconomic policy

The national production volume. The real GDP. The dynamics of real GDP. The business activity fluctuations. The potential GDP.

The high employment. The unemployment norm. The dynamics of employment in the long-term period.The full employment.

The stable prices on the free markets. The governmental control concerning prices. The inflation and deflation. The inflation rate.

The international trade. The net export. The advantages of market economy. The balance of payment. The rate of exchange.

The instruments of the macroeconomic policy. The fiscal policy. The governmental expenditures. The taxation.

The monetary policy. The money demand and supply. The tight and easy money policy.

The foreign trade policy. The export end import regulation. The currency market.

The incomes policy.

Theme 2. The economic cycles in the world economy

The content and the general features of economic cycle. The objective character of economic development cyclicity. The factors of economic cycles. The theories of economic cycles.

The cycle phases. The dynamics of economic indices. The historical survey of crises development.

The structural crises.

The economic cycles duration. The accelerator effect. The short-, average- and long-term cycles.

The state anti-cyclical regulation. The neo-Keynesian and neoclassical approaches concerning anti-cyclical economy regulation.

Theme 3. The peculiarities of the world market conditions development

The essence and the structure of the world economy, its unity and contradictions. The laws of the world economy The world economy formation and development. The disproportional subjects development in the world economy.

The worldwide essence of present-day productive forces and economic growth.

The world infrastructure. The world transport system. The world net of information communications. The world coding of unified statistical data.

The world economy integrity bases.

The world market and the international labour division efficiency. The absolute advantages theory. The protectionism and free trade.

The economic aspects of the present-day global problems. The disarmament for development. The starvation, poverty, diseases overcoming. The economic problem. The providing humanity by energy.

Theme 4. The long-term factors of macroeconomic conditions forming

The economic growth. The essence of the economic growth. The macroeconomic indices in the long-term period. The quality of the economic growth.

The sources of the economic growth. The types of the economic growth. The home sources of the economic growth. The outer sources of the economic growth. The alternatives of the growth sources optimal choice.

The theories of the economic growth. The neo-Keynesian theory of the economic growth. The neoclassical theory of the economic growth.

The state growth macroeconomic policy. The problem of optimal model choice.

Theme 5. The structural reforms in the macroeconomics

The problem of the national economy structure optimization. The factors of the structure forming. The outer and the inner features of the government structural policy.

The structural cycles. The global causes of the structural changes in the national economy. The content of the national economy competitive preferences recreation under the conditions of the globalization.

The geopolitical factors of the national economy structuring.

Theme 6. The international coordination of the macroeconomic policy

The international trade and the problems of the macroeconomic balance coordination. The international trade theories. The kinds and the elements of trade policy. The trade restrictions. The international trade regulation.

The international scientific and technical cooperation. The forms of the international scientific and technical cooperation. The regulative structures in the present-day scientific and technical relations.

The international borrowings and crediting. The international market of the borrowed capital.

The international labour migration. The migration regulation.

Theme 7. The monetary instruments of macroeconomic policy

The methods of monetary and credit regulation: transactions on the open market, discount policy, rate of compulsory reserve.

The conditions of currency market origin. The present-day currency markets. The rates of exchange. The rates of exchange factors forming.

The country’s balance of payment. The balance of payment scheme and its accounts structure. The national savings.

The country’s formal first line reserves.

The rate of exchange systems. Fixed exchange rate. Floating exchange rate.

The correlation between macroeconomic policy and rate of exchange.

Theme 8. The fiscal and budget instruments of macroregulation

The content of finances and financial system. The finances functions in the open economy. The principles of financial system structure in the open economy.

The state budget and its mane items. The state budget revenues in the open economy. The state budget expenditures.

The tax policy in the open economy. The tax kinds and methods of their collection (recovery).

The content of fiscal policy and its types. The budget deficit and the national debt. The budget deficit balancing problems. The national debt. The state budget regulation under the conditions of globalization.