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    1. Words and word-combinations to the text a. Pronounce them

correctly and mind their meaning

pedology- почвоведение

utilization- использование

detection -обнаружение

assessment- оценка


toxic- токсичный

spatial- пространственный


identification- идентификация

mapping- картирование

availability- пригодность, наличие

nutrients- питательные вещества

aggregation- накопление

retention- удержание, сохранение

investigation- исследование

restoration- восстановление

drainage- дренаж, осушение

irrigation-ирригация, орошение

erosion- эрозия

forecasting- прогнозирование

evaluation- определение, оценка

terrestrial plants- наземные растения

waste materials- отходы

food supply- запасы пищи

to misuse- злоупотреблять

to destroy- разрушать


reclamation- мелиорация

    1. Comlete the following sentences

  1. Department of Soil Science forms a part of... .

  2. Scientific study of soil includes... .

  3. Specialized subjects include... .

  4. To forecast and evaluate ecological state of environment one should study... .

  5. “Soil exploitation ” means... .

  6. Graduates of our department can work as... .

1.4 Get ready to speak on the topic “My Speciality”

1.5 Read and translate the text b. Pay attention to the words and word- combinations from the Ex. 1.6

Text B What is Soil

Soil is the layer of mineral and organic material that covers most of the earth’s land surfaces. The soil has five basic components: mineral particles formed by the breakdown of rock; decayed organic materials; water which has soaked into the ground as a result of precipitation; air; living organisms such as earthworms and many others.

Soil is the product of two major processes. They are the decomposition of rock and the decay of plant and animal life. The processes of chemical and physical weathering are responsible for breaking down the bedrock into fragments. These rock fragments provide the original material for the formation of soils. It is colonized by living things (organisms). Decayed plants and animals form humus, which makes up the top level. Soil rich in humus is usually fertile and is black or dark brown. Below humus lies a layer of mineral particles that washes down from the humus. Finally there is a layer of parent material , or solid rock. This section down through a soil from the surface to the underlying rock is called the soil profile. Different soil profiles are found under different conditions, and soils are recognized and classified on the basis of the parts of the profile which are present.Soil profiles tell soil scientists whether land is best for agriculture, wildlife habitat, forestry, pasture, or recreation. They also tells us how suitable soil might be for various other uses such as home building and highway construction. In a mature soil, profile usually consists of successive (coming one after the other) layers – horizons.

Soil scientists recognize five major horizons. The uppermost О horizon, or litter layer, a thin layer of organic waste from animals and detritus, is a zone of organic decom­position characterized by a dark, rich color. Plowing mixes it in with the next layer.

The A horizon, or topsoil, varies in thickness from 2.5 cen­timeters (1 inch) in some regions to 60 centimeters (2 feet). This horizon is generally rich in inorganic and organic nutrients and is economically important because it supports crops. The A horizon is darker and looser than the deeper layers. It holds moisture because of its organic material, the humus, and is quite porous. The A horizon is also known as the "zone of leaching," since nutrients are leached out of it as water percolates through it from the surface.

The В horizon, or subsoil, is also known as the "zone of accumulation," because it receives and collects minerals and nutrients from above. This layer is lightly colored and much denser than the topsoil because of lack of organic matter.

The C horizon is a tranzition zone between the parent material below and the layers of soil above.

The D horizon is the parent material from which soils are derived. Not all horizons present in all soils; in some the layering may be missing altogether.

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