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IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs. Tell Me About Your Family

  • Tell me about your family, Helen.

  • I have got a sister Kate, and a brother called Ted. I’ve got one aunt and one uncle. Carla is my mother’s sister and my uncle’s name is Jack.Their daughter, Nancy, is my cousin. I’ve got one cousin.

  • That is not a very big family.

  • Not, but we are all very close. Oh, what’s this?

  • This is a picture of me with my wife Judy and my children. My son’s name is John and my daughter’s name is Joanne.

  • And who’s this?

  • It’s Joanne’s boyfriend, Robert.

  • How old is he?

  • He’s twenty-two.

  • I think I know him from somewhere.

  • You can meet him and the rest of my family tomorrow at our little dinner party. Would you like to come?

  • Yes, that sounds lively. Thank you.

  • Not at all. See you tomorrow then.

  • All right. See you!

2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

a) Your friend tells you about his brother (sister) you’ve never seen. You want to know all the details of his (her) life.

b) You talk to a distant relative trying to find out in what relationship you stand to each other. The only way is to ask questions about all the relatives you know.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe a family event you are looking forward to.

You should say:

  • what the event is and where it will be held;

  • what members of the family will be present there;

  • what you will do at the event.

Explain why you are looking forward to this family event.

2. Describe your friend’s family.

You should say:

  • how many members there are in it and what they are;

  • how old they are and what they do for a living;

  • what the relations between them are .

Say what your impressions of the family are.

3. Your teacher has asked you to share your ideas on the following question.

Family or friends – which are more important?