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Part 2 avoiding plagiarism

Task 9. Think about the topic “Plagiarism”

  1. How would you define the term “plagiarism”?

  2. Can you say that you have never used plagiarism in your life?

Task 10. Read the students’ commentaries concerning plagiarism and say whether you agree or disagree with them.

1. Now the subject of this program, Plagiarism, reminds me an event. One day in our English class our teacher told us to research about tourist attraction places in Iran as our subject for discussion. One of the students copied exactly a paper from a book. The book was about tourist places in China. He just changed the name of China to Iran. But he forgot to change the name of places. When our teacher asked him about his research, he said :( one of the most beautiful tourist places in Iran is Shanghai....). Suddenly class burst out laughing. He was so embarrassed about what he had done. Submitted by: Mohammad (Iran) 04-16-2009 - 21:31:17

2. It is a shame to admit that our Chinese students are very likely being used to plagiarism, most of the students do not think such act will damage others' credits especially the materials can be found on the Internet. however, if a person is addicted copying non-original articles even without thinking. soon after that, the person could not think of any thing that is creative. That is why it is extremely difficult to see something be first innovated in China.

Submitted by: fOx (China) 04-16-2009 - 18:09:52

3. Plagiarism!

When I did a graduation paper to graduate, I had to read many books and many other graduation papers. My purposes were to know much more. So when I wrote my graduation paper, I took other people's idea. But it was fist part, sure I had my examine results. When use them, any sentences taken directly from a source I often put inside quotation marks. My country allow it. It is not Plagiarism. Sure, I really hate plagiarism. But in fact, plagiarism is difficult to control. Submitted by: Phuong (Vietnam) 04-16-2009 - 03:08:11

4. Plagiarism is bad!!

Plagiarism nowadays happens in many fields like studying, literary, newspaper and even music. Students often plagiarize in tests or exams. It is very good when teachers and boards of school managing have strict rules and severe punishments for students who violate plagiarism. It will help students have awareness that plagiarism is stealing something from other people although it is just an idea or opinion. The accusations at schools will teach them to become good adults and never offend in real life.

Submitted by: autumn leaf (Viet Nam) 04-16-2009 - 03:01:02

5. The importance of recognizing the plagiarism

I think some class in which teachers and students can discuss about plagiarsim as well as how to avoid plagiarism is very important. In Vietnam, plagiarism is not much concerned and I hope the necessity of avoiding plagiarism should be increasingly heightened in Vietnam.

Submitted by: Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc (Vietnam) 04-16-2009 - 01:31:30

Task 11. Study the case.

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