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Mr. and Mrs. Brown: "For our family camping is the purest form of recreation and the best source of enjoyment. For our big family of six (we have 4 children) it is out of the question to spend our holidays in hotels as it is far beyond our means. By camping we solve one of our financial problems. But besides that there are other advantages: we use our own car to travel and for Mr. Brown it is an idea of a perfect holiday. Cooking on the open fire is not a chore but a real pleasure for Mrs. Brown. Pitching tents, blowing up the air beds, preparing sleeping bags, unpacking cooking utensils and provision in a record time is an enjoyable challenge for our boys and girls. Fetching water and collecting brushwood for the camp fire is usually turned into a game or a competition and we are never bored as there are always so many things to do in the woods and at the river. Fishing and mushrooming are only two of the hobbies that we enjoy while we are camping."

Sally, an English teacher: "For me the world is a classroom. When I travel, I can learn so much. A visit to an aquarium can introduce me and my students to a great variety of fish and other water animals, while a walk through a garden will help us to discover interesting and unusual plants. Hike in a national park and you will become acquainted with even more plants, trees and wildlife. Somewhere during your holiday, you will most likely notice a monument, perhaps a building or a statue cut of stone or marble honouring a person or event. Go into a museum and you will see important works in the areas of art, history or science. In some countries you can tour palaces and castles where rulers or other important people live or used to live. In some places they may be completely destroyed and you can walk around the picturesque ruins and dream about the people who lived there and the historic events that happened there."

Словарный минимум к тексту.

pure – безупречный

enjoyment - наслаждение, удовольствие

to solve - решать, разрешать

besides - кроме того, более того

advantage - преимущество

chore - рутинная работа

utensil - посуда, утварь

to fetch - принести, достать

hike - прогулка; экскурсия

to become acquainted – познакомиться

likely – вероятно

to destroy - разрушать, рушить

picturesque – живописный

historic event – историческое событие

Ex. 5. Вставьте слова в предложения

camp marble classroom

brushwood statue aquarium

fishing recreation hike

1. _________________ is a glass tank filled with water, in which people keep fish.

2. ________consists of small pieces of wood that have broken off trees and bushes.

3. __________is a large sculpture of a person or an animal, made of stone or metal.

4. __________________________is the sport, hobby, or business of catching fish.

5. ____________________is a walk for a long distance, especially across country.

6. _________________is an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working

7. _________is an outdoor area with buildings, tents, or caravans where people stay on holiday.

8. ___________________is a type of very hard rock.

9. _________________________ is a room in a school where lessons take place.

Ex. 6. Согласны ли вы со следующими утверждениями?

  1. The Browns don't have enough money for expensive holidays.

  2. Mr. Brown doesn't enjoy driving.

  3. Mrs. Brown doesn't mind cooking on the open fire.

  4. The Browns' children took after their parents in their love of active rest.

  5. For Sally traveling is an important source of getting knowledge.

Ex.7. Согласны ли вы со следующими утверждениями?

1. Tourism is a waste of everybody's time.

2. It is impossible to educate people to be good tourists.

3. It would be much better if people stayed at home instead of traveling around and polluting the world.

4. Visiting historic places and viewing great works of art makes us better people.

5. I would rather watch travel programs on TV than travel myself.

6. Camping is the cheapest way of spending your holidays.

7. Food cooked on the open fire out-of-doors tastes better.

8. Sleeping in a tent is good for your health.

9. While hiking you are free to move and stop wherever you like.

10. Camping and hiking bring you closer to nature.

11. The best way to travel is on foot.

12. A man gets to know his companions in a long journey.

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