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Inescapable by Amy A. Bartol (The Premonition #...doc
1.27 Mб

I shrug, and say with a small smile, “Megan totally fell for it, too. It was worth the stink eye she gave me.”

Mrs. White, the housemother, enters then and eyes everyone with a sour expression. When the room quiets down, she begins the meeting. It is a dry, torturous reading of the packet containing the dorm rules.

“Why don’t they just give us the rules and be done with it,” I whisper to Buns as Mrs. White reads on with no inflection in her voice. “I mean, I think it’s safe to say that everyone here can read.”

“They think they have to read it to us because they know that only a freshman will read it otherwise,” Buns whispers back, smiling at me and winking. “Hey, what are you doing tonight after dinner, around six fifteen or so?” Buns whispers excitedly as if something has just occurred to her.

“Umm, I was planning on going for a walk tonight but not until later on, why?” I whisper back.

“Field hockey!” Buns whispers expectantly.

“Field hockey?” I whisper back warily, looking at Mrs. White to make sure she isn’t noticing us.

Buns bounces excitedly in her seat, not even trying to be inconspicuous as she whisper-shouts, “You can be on our team! We need a couple more girls, and you would be perfect! You look athletic; did you play sports in high school?”

“Yeah, soccer team and ski team,” I say in a low voice, trying not to attract any attention from the people around us. “But I never even watched a field hockey game. We didn’t have a team at my school.”

Waving her hand like she’s erasing my objection from the air, she whispers, “That’s okay, field hockey is a lot like soccer. You can pick it up in no time, and it’s just an intramural league, anyway.” Bouncing up and down in her seat again, she whispers, “Please, Evie!”

We are definitely drawing the attention of the girls near us with our conversation. “Buns, you’re going to get us tossed out of here,” I whisper, but she just steeples her hands together, moving her lips like she’s praying, ignoring everything else around her. “Okay,” I whisper to her.

“Sick!” she whispers back happily.

It ends up taking Mrs. White almost an hour to get through the rules. When she is finished, Buns and I go back upstairs to her room. “You can have one of Brownie’s field hockey uniforms to practice in until we get our new ones. She’s my roommate,” she says. “You two are almost the same height.”

She bangs open the door of her room with a crash, switching on the light. “Brownie, get up!” she orders in a teasing voice. “We have to get ready for dinner, and then we have hockey practice.”

Brownie doesn’t move from the cocoon of blankets on her bed except to raise her middle finger up to Buns.

Buns laughs, saying, “You’re making a bad impression. I brought someone for you to meet.”

Stirring slowly, Brownie sits up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. She is really pretty—even with bed head. Her blond, wavy hair is so light it can be called platinum. She has blue eyes, too, like her roommate, but they are a lighter shade than Buns’s are.

“What time is it?” Brownie asks sleepily.

“It’s five o’clock. Mrs. White went on and on tonight, but Evie was stellar.”

Buns recounts my fake fall into the table for Brownie, which has her laughing and thanking me. Buns smiles, “I invited Evie to play field hockey with us tonight. She played soccer, and she skis, too.”

“That’s epic! We need you,” Brownie says to me. “We can teach you all you need to know,” she says, bounding out of bed with surprising agility. “Here, this is a hockey manual,” she adds, tossing me the book she’d taken off of her desk. “You can use one of my uniforms.”

“I already told her that,” Buns smiles warmly at me, watching Brownie pull out a little athletic skirt and knit top from the closet, piling the clothing into my arms. “I’ll bring you one of my sticks to practice with since we’re about the same height.”

“Okay,” I say as I clutch the uniform and manual.

“Let’s meet up after dinner at around six-fifteen, and we’ll walk over to the Field House together. We practice on the lower field by the baseball diamonds for about an hour. We should be done by seven-thirty,” Buns says.

“Do you guys eat in the cafeteria?” I ask hopefully. I’ve never seen them there, or up the hill for that matter, but it would be nice to eat with them once in a while.

“No, we eat at our sorority house. Our cook, Jenny, is gourmet,” Brownie replies.

“Oh, so you’re saying you don’t miss the appetizing fare at Saga,” I say sarcastically.

“Eww no, I shredded my saga card the minute I no longer needed it!” Buns says with a snort.

“You’re so lucky! I’ll have to hurry if I want to eat before we have to go. I’ll meet you guys after.”

I take the clothes back to my room and place them on my bed, thinking that I’ll change when I get back from dinner. I haul the field hockey manual with me to study at dinner. On the way, I quickly text Russell: Was invited to play field hockey @ 6:30 @ the lower field. Let’s walk after. B done NLT 7:30 CU after?

I don’t have to wait for the textpectation to build before my phone vibrates. I read the text message from Russell: EG Red! That’s epic meet u @ the field 2nite. UR 2G2BT.

Smiling at Russell’s message, I enter the cafeteria. Opting for the salad bar over the meatloaf dish, I scan the room for Freddie, but it isn’t five-thirty yet, so I sit at the back table by the picture window where we’d eaten breakfast this morning. I don’t have long to wait before Freddie sits down next to me.

“Hey, Freddie, how are you?” I ask in greeting.

“Frustrated, I just had to sit through the most mind numbing dorm meeting I’ve ever attended. Don’t they know that I’m quite capable of reading?” he asks in outrage.

“I know, right?” I agree with equal heat.

“Anyway, before I forget—here, this is for you,” Freddie says, handing me a piece of paper with several numbers scrawled on it.

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