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УМК для начинающих (коммерч. гр).doc
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  1. Find English equivalents in the text.

Расположено на Британских островах, отделяет от континента, самая узкая часть пролива, состоит из четырех частей, столица Северной Ирландии, общая площадь, глава государства, принадлежит правительству, благодаря влиянию Гольфстрима, импортирует сырье, богатое культурное наследие, крупнейшие промышленные центры, другие достопримечательности.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the active words.

  1. The British Isles ­­­____ of over 5 000 ____.

  2. The English Channel and the North Sea ____ the country from the continent.

  3. The narrowest part of the ____ is called the Strait of Dover.

  4. The British ____ consists of two ____: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

  5. ____ Elizabeth II was born in 1926.

  6. He speaks English with a foreign ____.

  7. There are three main political ____ in the UK.

  8. Scotland has a beautiful mountainous ____.

  9. UK ____ raw materials for its industries.

  10. Ben Nevis is the ____ mountain in Great Britain.

  1. Make up sentences with these words

  1. Scotland / Northern Ireland / the / includes / England / UK / Wales / and.

  2. Capital / the / country / London / of / the / is.

  3. Parliamentary / is / the / monarchy / a / UK.

  4. Head / government / is / the / Prime Minister / the / of / the.

  5. Great Britain / climate / a / moderate / has.

  6. Iron ore / rich / coal / and / is / in / UK / the.

  7. Tourists / Great Britain / a lot of / visit / year / every.

  1. Can you answer the questions:

  1. Why do the English drive on the left?

  2. Do the English really love sport?

  3. How multicultural is Britain?

Read some facts about Great Britain and find the answers.

In the 1700s people used their right hand to carry a sword. But Napoleon carried his sword in his left hand and rode on the right. Everyone followed Napoleon because he ruled half the world. These days about 25% of the countries still drive on the left, including Japan and the West Indies.

Top tip: Don’t forget to drive on the left in the UK!

The English invented many of the world’s most popular sports. They wrote the rules for football, boxing, tennis, cricket and many more. Unfortunately, the English are better at writing rules than winning games.

Top tip: Don’t ask someone from England when England last won a football competition.

Britain is one of the world’s most multicultural countries. You can hear hundreds of languages in London alone. In fact, 15% of the UK’s 57 million inhabitants were born outside the UK.

Top tip: Visit the Notting Hill carnival in late August. It is two days of multicultural music, food and dancing.

  1. Answer the questions about Great Britain.

  1. What is the full name of Great Britain?

  2. Where is the UK situated?

  3. How many islands does the country include?

  4. What separates Great Britain from the continent?

  5. What is the Strait of Dover?

  6. How many parts does the UK consist of?

  7. What are they?

  8. What are their capitals?

  9. What is the total area of the country?

  10. What is the population of the UK?

  11. Is London the biggest city in the UK?

  12. What language do all Welsh, Scottish and Irish people speak?

  13. What is the political system of the UK?

  14. Who is the head of the state?

  15. What is Union Lack?

  16. Where are the main areas of highland situated?

  17. The country has a beautiful and diverse landscape, doesn’t it?

  18. What are the longest rivers in the UK?

  19. Describe the climate of the UK.

  20. Is the UK a highly developed industrial country?

  21. What does the country export and import?

  22. What are the biggest centres of industry?

  23. What is Great Britain famous for?