- •Chapter 1/ Fearless Telephone Talk
- •Calling a Business / Деловой звонок
- •Leaving a Message / Как оставить сообщение
- •Dialogue
- •Holding the line / He вешайте трубки
- •Leaving a Message at a Home / Оставляем сообщение на домашнем телефоне
- •Voice Mail / Автоответчик. Звуковое письмо
- •Answering the Phone / Отвечаем на телефонный звонок
- •Answering a Wrong Number / Как ответить на звонок по ошибке
- •Starting a Conversation / Как начать разговор
- •When You Need More Information / Когда нужна дополнительная информация
- •Making Dates / Как назначить встречу
- •Making Appointments / Как назначить деловую встречу
- •Ending a Conversation / Как закончить разговор
- •Practice Drills
- •Grammar revision. English tenses (Active Voice)
- •Chapter 2 / Business Trip
- •Глава 2 / Деловая поездка
- •Hotel Reservations / Бронирование отеля
- •Dialogue: Making Hotel Reservations
- •Dialogue: Buying Airline Tickets
- •Renting a Car, Hiring a Taxi / Как арендовать машину или заказать такси
- •А Саr / Машина
- •A Taxi / Такси
- •Dialogue: At the Hotel
- •Grammar revision. Passive Voice Времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге
- •English tenses (Passive Voice)
- •Chapter 3 / Business Lunch
- •Глава 3 / Бизнес-ланч
- •Making Restaurant reservations / Бронирование столика
- •Making the Transition Between Small Talk and Business / Как перейти от общей беседы к делу
- •Closing the Business Lunch / Как завершить бизнес-ланч
- •Practice Drills
- •I. How would you answer these questions?
- •Interrogative sentences. Question types. Вопросительные предложения. Типы вопросов
- •Chapter 4 / Formal Meetings
- •Глава 4 / Формальные встречи
- •Opening a Meeting / Как начать встречу
- •The Language of Meetings / Язык встреч
- •1. Agreement or Disagreement / Согласие или несогласие
- •2. Making Suggestions/ Предположение
- •3. Expressing Certainty or Doubt / Выражение уверенности или сомнения
- •4. Asking for help / Просьба о помощи
- •Grammar revision. Participle Причастие
- •Chapter 5 / Perfect Presentations
- •Глава 5 / Как организовать идеальную презентацию
- •Opening a Presentation
- •Introducing yourself
- •Structuring a Presentation
- •Talking about trends (Past Simple and Present Perfect)
- •Using your voice effectively
- •Stressing words
- •Making pauses
- •Dealing with questions
- •The Power of Language
- •Culture Shock
- •Grammar revision Gerund Герундий
- •Chapter 6 / Better Business Letters
- •Глава 6 / Пишем деловые письма
- •Composition of Business Letter / Составление делового письма
- •Содержание письма / Body of the letter
- •Greeting / Вступительное обращение
- •Helpful Expressions in Business Corresponence / Полезные выражения в деловой переписке
- •Ending / завершение
- •The Simplest Business Deal
- •Full-Block Letter Format / Полноформатное письмо
- •International suit distributors
- •100 Kennedy circle
- •Prospecting Letter / Рекламное письмо-предложение
- •Follow-up Letter / Письмо-напоминание
- •Complaint Letter / Рекламационное письмо
- •Response to a Complaint Letter / Oтвет на рекламационное письмо
- •2233 Connection Avenue, n.W.
- •Rejection Letter / Отказное письмо
- •2500 North Fruitridge Road
- •Collection Letter / Инкассационное письмо
- •2297 Front Street
- •Practice Drills
- •Business letter 1
- •208 Eastside Road
- •Business letter 2
- •12207 Sunset Strip
- •Business letter 3
- •21 Mead Road
- •Business letter 4
- •Business letter 5
- •Business letter 6
- •1951 Benson Street
- •Business letter 7
- •Business letter 8
- •209 West Street
- •Business letter 9
- •24 North Main Street
- •Business letter 10
- •5500 South 96th Street
- •Business letter 11
- •72 Preston New Road
- •Business letter 12
- •609 San Anselmo Avenue
- •Business letter 13
- •Business letter 14
- •Grammar revision. Infinitive Инфинитив
- •Complex Object Винительный падеж с инфинитивом
- •Chapter 7 / Contracts and Their Performance
- •Глава 7 / Контракты и их исполнение
- •I. Subject Matter of Contract
- •II. Price of Goods
- •III. Quality of Goods
- •VI. Insurance
- •IV. Упаковка и маркировка
- •V. Сдача и приемка товара
- •VI. Страхование
- •VII. Terms of Payment
- •VII. Платеж
- •VIII. Force Majeure
- •IX. Arbitration
- •VIII. Форс-мажор
- •Iх. Арбитраж
- •X. Other Conditions
- •Practice Drills
- •7. Packing and marking
- •8. Arbitration
- •9. Other conditions
- •10. Legal addresses of the parties
- •Chapter 8 / Job Application
- •Глава 8 / Устройство на работу Resume / Краткая биография
- •220 West Street
- •220 Уэст Стрит
- •Résumé formats / виды резюме
- •Chronological Format / Хронологическое резюме
- •2223 August Square Road
- •16 Osler Street
- •Vancouver, British Columbia v6r 2t1
- •Initiative:
- •Cover letters / сопроводительные письма
- •225 Hartman Drive
- •Interview / собеседование
- •Common interview questions
- •Questions to an employer
- •Dialogue
- •Practice Drills
- •Grammar revision Мodal verbs and their equivalents / Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
- •Modal verbs and their equivalents / Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты
- •Imagine someone is talking about the advantages and disadvantages of his job. Rewrite the sentences
- •I think you should… I think you shouldn’t …
- •I think you should…?
- •Supplementary reading Text 1 a mixed economy: the role of the market
- •Reducing Taxable Income with Tax Planning
- •Method for Tax Payments
- •Importance of finance
- •Importance of Corporate Finance
- •Importance of Finance in Business
- •Importance of Personal Finance
- •Text 10
- •Text 11
- •Text 12
- •Text 13
- •Text 14
- •International trade
- •Text 15 the effects of trade: gains and terms
- •Text 16 the effects of trade: infant industries and trade policies
- •Text 17 exchange rates and capital mobility
- •Text 18
- •General Ideas of Foreign Exchange Market
- •Text 19
- •Indirect Intervention
- •Text 20
- •Intervention may Decrease Volatility
- •Intervention may Increase Volatility
- •Библиографический список Oсновная литература
- •Учебное издание
225 Hartman Drive
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 555-4606
January 22, 2001
Mr. Howard Speller, General Sales Manager
Speller Automobiles, Ltd.
315 Rolling Woods Highway
Dover, NH 03723
Dear Mr. Speller:
I am a recent college graduate with a B.A. Degree in Automotive Marketing & Management. I have also been part of a family-owned distributorship for nearly all my life, so cars are my life!
I noticed your advertisement for Automotive Sales and Marketing Assistant in the June l4th edition of the Dover Star, and have submitted my résumé for your consideration.
You mentioned in the advertisement that the successful must have:
1) A Bachelor of Arts degree I do
2) Excellent communication skills I do
3) Ability to work well with people at all levels I do
4) Eagerness to learn and “pay my dues” I am and I will
This is the job that I believe was made for me. I am available immediately and can offer you competence, dedication, and a good work ethic. If you don’t mind, I will call you next week to see if a personal interview can be scheduled.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to speaking with you next week.
Nelly Nickleby
Interview / собеседование
An interview can be described as a planned discussion with a specific purpose. How does a selection interview differ from a conversation, a chat about a job?
A business manager needs to gather information that provides evidence about applicant’s ability to do the job, and to fit in with the work team.
But interviewing is a mutual exchange of information. It is an opportunity to give an applicant as much information about the job as possible so that they can decide whether or not they want to take it if it is offered.
A company wants people who accept job to be motivated to work for the business. Treating them with respect is important too.
The interviewer’s questions set out to get the candidates talking about their experiences and their lives in general. The answers can reveal whether they can do the job, plus their motivation and adjustment and give some indication of how they cope in a variety of situations – including those they are likely to be under pressure and stress.
The questions that are most effective in this regard are «open ended» questions. What..., why..., when..., how..., where..., and who... words help to keep questions open. Phrases such as «How did you do the stock-taking?», «Tell me about...» or «Can you explain...» should give a great deal of useful information.
The interviewees are to reveal their ability, experience, motivation and adjustment, they, not the interviewer, must do most of the talking. The best ratio is 60:40.
Common interview questions
Here are some common questions you are likely to be asked in an employment interview. Look through the sample answers to some of them and write your own version of a good answer to each of the questions:
1. Tell me about yourself.
Give a brief answer: no more than a minute. Tell something about yourself that relates to the job.
2. Why do you want to work for us?
We suggest a sincere answer: «My personal goals and the company goals and values are the same, and I want to be part of it».
3. What would you do for us?
Don’t presume to tell the interviewer exactly what you would do because you don’t know their «problems». It’s better to know enough about the organisation to relate an experience of yours which represents successful solving of a past employer’s problem.
4. What are your strong points?
It’s a good idea to relate your good points to the company when possible.
5. What is your biggest weakness? (A look-for-the-reaction type question.)
When you are asked for your biggest weakness, you’ve got to appear mortal! The idea here would be to give a weakness, which from the interviewer’s point of view isn’t much of a weakness. «Well I really don’t feel I have a weakness which affects my working ability. I think at times I have a tendency to be impatient and push people too hard to get a job done. Patience isn’t my strongest point».
6. Tell me one of your working experiences.
7. What did you like least about your previous job?
8. Why did you leave your last job?
9. How long will it take you to make a contribution to our firm?
10. How long would you stay with us?
11. What are your career goals?
12. How much do you expect to be earning five years from now?
13. Do you have any objections to a psychological evaluation?
14. Do you have any questions for me?