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XII. Word forms Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences. Make sure to use the correct form.

1. coordination, coordinate, coordinated, coordinating, coordinator

a. The control unit of a processor … the flow of information between the arithmetic unit and the memory.

b. … the many activities in a computer department is the job of the department head.

c. The … of a language institute has assistants to help him and may have access to a computer to help him with the … of many programs, timetables, space and students results.

    1. interchange, interchangeable, interchangeably, interchanged

a. The words ‘arithmetic-logic’ and ‘arithmetic-logical’ can be used ….

b. There is often an … of ideas among computer scientists.

c. There is a big difference between an input and an output. These cannot be … .

    1. sequence, sequential, sequentially

a. The control unit of the CPU directs the … operations of the system.

b. Data must be presented … to the processor unless the computer is programmed otherwise.

c. A program must be a detailed account of the … the processor must follow to solve the problem.

    1. execution, execute, executed, executor, executing

a. A load module which is the result of system routines linked with an object module is directly … by the computer.

b. The time necessary for … a program, is usually indicated on the computer printout.

c. An … program consists of complex routines which are stored in the memory in order to supervise and control certain functions of the computer.

XIII. Content review Match the following words in column a with the statements in column b.



1. pattern

a. drawing or images to represent objects

2. beam

b. a thing that is an example to copy

3. laser

c. the thing that something owns

4. graphics

d. a line of light, energy that you can’t see

5. pit

e. a small mark in the surface of something

6. encyclopedia

7. property

f. equipment that produces a powerful beam of light

g. a book containing facts about many different subjects

b. Complete the following statements with appropriate words from the box. (Some can be used more than once.) Make sure you use the correct form, i.e. singular or plural.

electric signal

laser beam


storage medium

digital data




compact disk

laser scanner

Optical … is an electronic … that uses low-power … to record and rewrite … . In optical storage technology a … encodes … onto an optical, or laser, disk in the form of tiny … arranged in concentric tracks on the disk’s … . A low-power … is used to ‘read’ these …, with variations in the intensity of reflected light from the pits of being converted into … . This technology is used in the … which records sound; in the … which can store text and images as well as sound; in WORM and in newer disks that are totally rewritable.