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I. Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. Computers can process a large volume of data in a short period of time.

2. Every teacher must learn how to select computer programs.

3. A student may go on to the next question if his answer is correct.

4. They should process the results of the experiment.

5. You have to study two computer languages.

6. He is to speak at the conference on computer technology.

II. Give the modal verb in the following sentences in the Past and Future Simple (add the adverbials if necessary):

1. We can interact with the computer by using many other specialized input devices.

2. Students must know how to solve this problem.

3. You should know programming for your research work.

4. They may work in the computer centre on Mondays.

5. To model the universe we have to create another one.

6. The data is to be transmitted as pulses of light.

III. Ask as many special questions as you can:

1. The first automatic computers could operate at a low speed.

2. Different combinations of 1s and 0s may be used to represent numbers and characters.

3. The microcomputer has to communicate with the outside world.

4. The memory board of a new powerful computer produced by IBM can easily pass through the eye of a needle.

5. He must use a computer in the classroom to make his work more interesting.

IV. Fill in the missing modal verbs or their equivalents:

1. Modern specialists … know the latest computer technology.

2. No man … do 500 000 sums per second, but a modern computer … .

3. A program is a set of instructions written in a special computer language, telling the computer what operations and processes … to be carried out and in what order they … be done.

4. When … you give your lecture on computer languages? – I … to do it next week. Now I am very busy. I … process the results of the experiment.

5. In order to make a good report on data communication systems you … to sit for many hours in the library.

V. Translate into Russian paying attention to modal verbs followed by the Infinitive Passive:

1. Data, however, is the particular information that has to be processed by the computer.

2. A computer can be made more powerful by connecting a second processor to work in parallel with the first one.

3. In the early 1960’s several of integrated circuits could be mounted on a single printed card.

4. The computer must be programmed to accept data in any or all of the media.

5. The data may be stored or it may be sorted according to a plan desired by the programmer.

6. The culmination of all the advancements was the microprocessor, which has become virtually synonymous with microelectronics, but should not be confused with it.

Section C Reading

I. A computer consists of a number of components. How do we call a component used to save data and programs? Look through paragraph 1 to prove your idea.

II. Skim paragraph 2 and name all storing units of the computer system.