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III. Study the following words and word combinations and make sure you know their translations. Use a specialized dictionary in case of any difficulties.

nonvolatile memory

read-only memory (ROM)

operating system

to erase

to alter

optical disk

IV. State the type of word-building of the following words and translate them into Russian.

increasingly, respectively, modification, erasable, alterable, time-consuming, gigabyte, information

V. Read the text attentively and name the differences between types of nonvolatile memories.






B esides main and auxiliary memories, other forms of memory exist for specialized purposes. An increasingly important class is that of nonvolatile memories, which, unlike SRAMs and DRAMs, do not lose their content when the power supply is cut off. Some nonvolatile memories, such as read-only memory (ROM), are not rewritable once manufactured or written. Each memory cell of a ROM chip either has a transistor or none, representing the binary digit 0 or 1, respectively. ROMs are generally employed for programs designed for repeated use without modification, as, for example, the operating system of a personal microcomputer. By contrast, EPROM (erasable programmable ROM), EAROM (electrically alterable ROM), and flash memory are types of nonvolatile memories that are rewritable, though the writing is far more time-consuming than reading. They are thus used as special-purpose memories where writing is seldom necessary.

A nother form of memory is the optical disk, which uses optical rather than electrical means for reading and writing. It developed from videodisc technology during the early 1980s. Optical disks have a greater memory capacity than most magnetic disks; the largest ones can store 1.5 gigabytes of information, which is equal to about 700,000 pages of printed material. Optical disks come in sizes ranging from 3.5 to 12 inches (30 cm). They are widely used as auxiliary memory when large memory capacity is required.

VI. Main idea Which statement or statements best express the main idea of the text? Why did you eliminate the other choices?

 1. Nonvolatile memories are less important than main and auxiliary memories.

 2. There are several types of nonvolatile memories.

 3. Optical disks is the only type of auxiliary memory used in computer systems.

VII. Understanding the passage Decide whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) by referring to the information in the text. Then make the necessary changes so that the false statements become true.


  1. Optical disks aren’t widely used because of their small memory capacity.

  2. EPROM and EAROM are employed mainly for writing purposes.

  3. Nonvolatile memories can keep data and information within a few minutes after the electricity is off.

  4. Flash memory is a rewritable type of nonvolatile memories.

  5. Optical disks are manufactured only in one size of 3.5 inches.

  6. A ROM chip is based on the operating principle of the transistor.

  7. Nonvolatile memories are usually used for general purposes.