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5.Примерная тематика рефератов, курсовых проектов, вопросы для промежуточной аттестации и итогового контроля

5.1. Темы рефератов

  1. Architecture in Roman Britain

  2. Material monuments of Roman Britain

  3. Traces of the Roman Culture in Great Britain

  4. First monasteries in Britain

  5. Celtic festivals

  6. Celtic languages on the territory of Great Britain today

  7. Danish Culture in Britain

  8. Late Anglo-Saxon literature

  9. Latin medieval Culture in Britain

  10. French medieval Culture in Britain

  11. Poetry of the Renaissance in Britain

  12. Decline of the Renaissance in Britain. Music (first part of XVII c.)

  13. Decline of the Renaissance in Britain. Painting (first part of XVII c.)

  14. Architecture of the Age of Reason

  15. Restoration period. Poetry and painting (second half of XVII – beginning of XVIII c.)

  16. Industrial revolution of XVIII c.

  17. Music of the Victorian period

  18. Painting of the first part of XX c.

  19. Poetry of the second part of XX c.

5.2. Темы курсовых проектов

  1. Отражение кельтской мифологии в русской и английской культуре.

  2. Британский и русский национальный характер (сравнительный анализ).

  3. Влияние климатических условий на формирование образа мира (Россия, Британия).

  4. Особенности развития культуры Англии и России (сравнительный анализ определенного периода).

  5. Отражение национального характера англичан и русских в языке и культуре (сравнительный анализ).

  6. Дж. Чосер и культура средневековой Англии.

  7. Роль легенд о Короле Артуре в создании образа «английского национального характера».

  8. Составные культуры Англии периода Реставрации.

  9. Особенности формирования британской и русской наций (сравнительный анализ на определенном этапе).

  10. Сравнительный анализ развития культуры Британии и России (на определенном этапе).

  11. Развитие образования в Британии и России (сравнительный анализ)

  12. Концепт «дом» в британской/американской и русской культурах

  13. Ландшафтный парк Британии и парковая культура России.

5.3. Вопросы для промежуточной аттестации

1. What were the customary methods of cultivating land among the Anglo-Saxons?

2. Tell about the Sutton Hoo burial. What “grave-goods” of the Sutton Hoo burial are mentioned in Beowulf?

3. Why did the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons into Christianity take place in 7th c., but not earlier?

4. How did the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons into Christianity influence the cultural development of Britain?

5. Why is the town of Glastonbury unique?

6. What can you tell about Cheddar?

7. What do you know about Lindisfarne?

8. Tell about the first Cistersian monastery in Britain.

9. Describe the Anglo-Saxon music and verse.

10. What contribution to British culture did Venerable Bede and Alcuin make?

11. Why was the unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms into one kingdom in 9th c. necessary?

12. Compare Danish raids on Britain with the raids made by the Anglo-Saxons in 5th c.

13. Where did the Danes live in England after the settlement and what was their way of living?

14. What measures were taken by king Alfred’s government to raise the level of culture in the country?

15. Tell about the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

16. How did the Danish settlers in England influence the development of the country in 10-11th c.?

17. What is the peculiarity of the feudal development of Britain in the Early Middle Ages as compared to the countries on the Continent?

18. Tell about Anglo-Saxon architecture.

19. Tell about the law system of King Alfred.

20. Tell about Anglo-Saxon Literature.