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6.2. Образцы контрольных работ, используемых при итоговом контроле.

Academic writing test

1 year

Paragraph structure”

1. Find the topic sentence in each of the following paragraphs,if the topic sentences is not express,formulate it?

1. Some people are cheerful others are habitual depressed.some people smile easily,others readily frown.some are generous and happiness in giving and in sharing with others,others are selfish and possessive and it would break their hearts to give anything away.it takes all kinds of people to make up this world. 2. The paintings are part of the healing ceremony that may nine days.The designs in the paintings represents spirits.When painting si finish,the sick person sits in the middle of it.The healer sings over the sick person,asking the spirit for help,at the same time the healer puts sand from the painting into the persons body. The Navajos believe that the paintings and ceremonies will help the sick person come back into the harmony with the world. then the person will be healthy again. 3. Electronic microscope reveal the physical appearance of objects that are many times are smaller than before seen.huge radio telescope explore areas of the sky previous not known to human vision. The scientific wonders of this ages we live in continue to grow.computers store learns of facts in information banks.Atomic powered submarines prowl the ocean without refueling.man-made satellites hurtle trough space at incredible speed. technology that we are using these day important to us.

  1. 2. The student paragraphs below have lost its conclusion. Write a sentence that would help the reader to look back at the whole scene that the writer has described.

1) A stream in one of our state parks has always been my sitting spot. I am fascinated when I see the water bubbling over and down the rocks. The water has shaped the rocks, causing deep indentations in certain places, but other parts are perfectly flat. The rocks seem to be lined up in descending order so that the water flows evenly in every direction, making white foam. The sound of the water rushing under the bridge always grabs my attention and sends chills up my spine. On the other side of the bridge is a pond full of fish. Nearby there is a place where people can go swimming or just sit on the bank and relax in the sand. Beyond that is a long bicycle path which leads behind some tall trees, and there are picnic areas along with grills and tables.

2) When learning new words and expressions, it is important to take note of whether these words and expressions are used in an informal context or a formal context. Many words and expressions are used both formally and informally. If you aren’t sure of exactly how to use a new word or expression, you can try them out with work colleagues and friends. Find people to converse with. You should also listen as closely as possible when you speak. Listen for anything that sounds different, new, or unfamiliar. If the circumstance permits, don’t be afraid to take out your pocket notebook and write it down. If you say something that isn't quite right, the person you are speaking with might take note of it and let you know. If you aren’t sure of something you said or would like to say, then ask about it. If you hear something and you don’t know what it means, ask about that as well.

3. Write a process paragraph “How to write a good English paragraph”

Academic writing test

Transitional words test

Insert appropriate transitional words in the following sentences


In the first exercise the category of transitional word is given. In the second exercise you will have to

decide which category is most appropriate.


Our state’s correctional system is plagued with problems. (a) _________, (example) high officials increase their personal wealth by awarding building and catering contracts to disreputable companies in return for bribes. (b) ___________, (addition) promotions within the system are made on the basis of politics, not merit. (c) __________, the system is filled __________ (result) with people at the top who know little about what they are doing. (d) __________, (addition) careless security measures, allowing trusted inmates to control certain operations of the institution, are part of the growing problem. But one increasing tendency in particular is doing harm to the system’s image and efficiency. This is the tendency of officials who are charged with important tasks and who make faulty decisions to cover up their mistakes. (e) __________, one would think that amid all the strife some effort __________ (conclusion) would be made to rectify these problems, but a seemingly dogged determination to resist change overshadows the system.


Genetic screening in business, or testing the genes of employees to see if they are susceptible to workplace-related diseases, may present problems for the tested. (a) __________, the genetic screening tests and technology in general are in their infancy stages. (b) __________, many physicians and health professionals doubt their reliability. (c) ___________, once genetic information is recorded on employees, it cannot always be kept secret. Even though employers are assured that their medical files are confidential, clerical staff have access to them. (d) __________, if they are entered into a computer data base, they are available to anyone with access. (e) __________, some argue that such screening procedures are violations of personal rights. (f) __________, many cite similarities between genetic screening and drug testing, noting that both involve a process of obtaining information from unwilling individuals that might affect them adversely. Opponents of genetic screening point out that some employees with the potential for workplace diseases would rather run the risk than lose their jobs.

Образец вопросов к зачету по разделу Техника устной речи и публичных выступлений (ТРВ) (I курс, I семестр)

Билет № 2

Вопрос 1: Прочитайте следующие упражнения вводно-фонетического курса –

упр. 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 19, 22, 28, 30, 34, 42, 44, 51, 53, 57, 60, 67, 71, 73, 77

Вопрос 2: Прочитайте следующие слова.

Coerce, faith, machine, beige, garage, fatigue, mayonnaise, futurology, roulette, advocate, Percy, poignancy, moneyspinner, Novosibirsk, toast, honeymoon, myrtle

Вопрос 3: Прочитайте следующие предложения.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been living in this big city since Christmas

Agnes gave birth to a fine healthy boy.

Take a deep breath, and then breathe out.

Since it happened to be such a nice day Mortimer thought he’d go to the beach.

Many athletes get athletic scholarships to attend college.

Вопрос 4 (теоретический):

а) Правило позиционной долготы английских cонантов

б) Дайте характеристику следующих английских фонем: /g, m, f, r, i, æ, aı/