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IX. Put questions to the italicized words:

1. When returning to your hotel or motel late in the evening, use the main entrance of the hotel. Be observant and look around before entering parking lots.

2. You can get information about places to stay and accommodation from the BTA(British Travel Agency).

3. Once a private house with a rich history, this hotel is highly recommended for the standard of its accommodation.

4. Tourism has an impact on culture and society, leading to either conflicting or harmonious relationships.

5. It is vital that managers have a good understanding of the principles and practice of tourism marketing.

X. Restore the word order:

1. countries tourism in profitable is many industry very.

2. with ecological is the future connected tourism sector its orientation Ukrainian of.

3. national nature wealth the Ukrainian sanctuary a is.

4. close to situated of Europe tourist centres Middle East and Ukraine population of about 50 people million with its one of the most attractive is regions tourist of Europe.

5. of tourism the sector development further should based be on a deal good of planning and scheduling.

XIII. Translate into English:

  1. Туристична індустрія могла б стати найбільш прибутковою промисловістю в Україні.

  2. Необхідно рекламувати Україну закордоном, щоб привабити більше іноземних туристів.

  3. Працівнику сфери туризму важливо знати функції та взаємовідносини між різними секторами туристичного бізнесу.

  4. Перші подорожі можна прослідкувати ще з часів появи людства.

  5. У стародавні часи люди подорожували з різних причин, таких як: задоволення, торгівля, наукові дослідження.

S peaking Exercises

XIV. Answer the following questions to the text:

  1. Where do you study?

  2. What specialists does your Institute train?

  3. What do you major in?

  4. What must tourist business employee be ready for?

  5. What do they often deal with?

  6. Who makes arrangement for sightseeing and excursions?

  7. Is it necessary for a tourism manager to know foreign languages?

  8. Is Ukraine a well-known tourist site?

  9. How can tourism influence the country’s economy?

  10. What degree will you receive after graduation from the Institute?

XV. Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example. Mind the word order:

Student\ Trade\ Institute\ be\ I\ Chernivtsi\ Economics – e.g. I am a student of Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute.

Community\ tourist\ Ukraine\ member\ become\ promising\ world’s

My\ business\ be\ major\ tourism

Perfect\ students\ want\ our\ English\ their\knowledge

Longer\ no\ prerogative\ be\ tourism\ few

Part\ be\ staff\ competent\ I\ want\ highly\ industry\ tourism

XVI. Read about four people who work in the tourist industry. Match each person with one of the jobs given below:

a). hotel receptionist c). tour leader

b). restaurant manager d). tourist information officer


Find two words in every text that describe the personal qualities you need for each job. Then add one of your own.

Job Qualities

1. tourist information officer: patient __________ ________________

2. restaurant manager: _________ __________ __________________

3. hotel receptionist: ___________ __________ __________________

4. tour leader: ________________ __________ __________________

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