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P honetic Exercises

III. Mind the letters’ pronunciation:

1. Буква A,a в наголошеному складі читається:

  • I тип: [ ] ex.: plan, man. can

  • II тип: [ ] ex.: play, came, plane

  • III тип: голосна + кінцева r (+ приголосна)[a:]: car, mark, large

  • IV тип: голосна + r (+ голосна)=[εə]: Mary, parents, air, fair

2. Буквосполучення ai, ay читаються як [ ], наприклад: Spain, name, day, May

3. Буквосполучення ea, ee читаються як [i:], наприклад: please

4. Буквосполучення al перед:

1) k у наголошеному складі: [ ] chalk, talk, walk

2) перед рештою приголосних під наголосом: [ ] wall, also

IV. Read the following sentences:

  • A good tourism business specialist must know foreign languages.

  • Deeds are fruits, words are leaves.

  • Time cures all.

  • Sam travels to Spain every year.

  • I shall work either in a travel agency or at parents’ farm this year.

V ocabulary Exercises

v. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

faculty of Economics and Management; tourist business employee; to legalize passports; the prerogative of a few, accepted and accustomed; even expected, part of the lifestyle; widespread opinion; powerful and beneficial factor; to stimulate employment and investment; to make a positive contribution; balance of payments; terra incognita; tremendous potential.

VI. Give English equivalents of the following:

спеціалізуватися на; навчатися на факультеті; подорожувати для задоволення; захоплюватися чимось; під час подорожі; задовольняти потреби; справді; робити позитивний вклад в; по всьому світу; приваблювати іноземних туристів.

VII. Fill in the correct word from the list, then make sentences using the completed collocations:


accounting and ____________



economic ________________

______________ tourist



International, foreign, luggage, potential, cybernetics, auditing, tourism, widespread

V III. Match and learn the synonyms:

  1. pleasure, friend, ready, growing, widespread, powerful, positive.

  2. increasing, helpful, enjoyment, universal, companion, prepared, strong.

IX. Match and learn the antonyms:

A. professional, sure, employment, large, a few, to perfect.

B. to spoil, unemployment, doubtful, amateur, tiny, many.

X. Complete the sentences using the words from the list:

Sociology, hotel, to stay, guesthouse, tourism, travelling, culture.

  1. ... all over the world gets easier and easier.

  2. … are usually smaller and cheaper than hotels and are often pleasant and friendly.

  3. A popular place … is ‘B&B’ – a private house or farm which takes a few guests.

  4. … is increasingly being drawn into global arenas.

  5. Tourism can be understood using variety of different perspectives, including geography, …, …, ethnicity and politics.

  6. The … industry is an important industry in many countries, especially in those attracting a large tourist trade.

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