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Unit 3 My future speciality

1. Vocabulary

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary:

require – вимагати

essential – головний, основний, глобальний

ESTC - Європейська система переводу й накопичення кредитів

modular – кредитно-модульний


custom service – митна служба

enterprise - підприємство

subdivisions – підрозділи

to assess - оцінювати

official – чиновник, службовець

personnel - кадри

to be payable –бути виплаченим

ensure – впевнитися, забезпечити

transition – перехід до ринкової еконоіки

improvement – поліпшення

tax advisor - податковий консультант

balance sheets – баланс (фінансовий документ)

tax law – податкове законодавство

overwhelming – величезний, надзвичайний

conscious - свідомий

II Reading

Exercise2. Read and translate:

Text A

My future speciality

My future speciality is taxation. I study at the Economic Department of Kherson National Technical University. Worldwide globalization of education and integration of Ukraine with the world community requires that the educational system should be adapted to new social and economic conditions. At the beginning of this century Ukraine accepted Bologna model of education. Adoption of this model has demanded essential reorganization of Ukraine’s system of education and science. By now ESTC has been put into practice at Ukrainian universities and teaching is carried out in agreed modular units. Our department pays great attention to our participation in regional, all-Ukrainian and international conferences, so we can realize ourselves in scientific, research and social work.

The course of study lasts five years. The students study such general subjects as: as high mathematics, English, sociology, philosophy, statistics. Among special subjects there are: Insurance services, Budget system, Money and credit, Marketing, Finance, Custom Service Operation, Economy of Enterprises, Basics of Taxation.

Our Department carries out preparation of specialists for the financial and budget system and financial subdivisions of enterprises. The majority of graduates from this department work in the State Taxation Inspection of Ukraine. They can begin working as tax inspectors: officials whose job is to assess the amount of tax that is payable by a person or organization and ensure the tax is paid. Transition to the market economy requires not only preparation of personnel with new knowledge but also improvement of professional skill of employed economists' from different branches of national economy for economic oriented specialties which are in demand on labour market. That`s why it is carefully provided at the our University.

Me and other graduates can also work at the insurance companies, State custom service, financial and accounting departments of different enterprises. Our future career can develop in research and educational institutions, monitoring centres and laboratories of economic problems analysis. In accordance with modern economic conditions new professions connected with taxation came out on the economic stage. Tax advisor is one of them. A tax advisor is a financial expert especially trained in tax law. Some countries require tax advisors to verify the balance sheets of companies above a certain size. Individuals usually require tax advisors to minimize taxation, to avoid learning the details of tax law in complicated financial situations themselves or to learn the details of tax law from a professional advisor.

My dream is to see my country prosperous. Ukraine has such overwhelming opportunities for its growth that it is impossible to be pessimistic about its economic development. Our country occupies one of the leading places by the part of taxes in GDP. That means that sound taxation combined with grounded reformation of all sectors of our industry and economy will contribute to the formation of new Ukraine – self-dependent, conscious, wealthy, beautiful.