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Учебник. Часть 2.doc
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Vocabulary practice section 1

1. Look at Key information section 1 and find the following.

1. a software application for creating web pages

2. a reference to a document that the reader can directly follow

3. a document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device

4. used to access the World Wide Web

5. produces hypertext, a blend of text, graphics and links

6. a stricter version of HTML

7. a language, which makes it possible to present information (e.g. scientific research) on the Internet

8. labels you use to mark up the beginning and end of an element in a webpage

9. a language capable of pulling specific information from the database depending on what the user wants to know

10. What You See Is What You Get

11. the recommended method of expressing the precise "look and feel" of a web page

12. a collection of rules containing declarations (instructions) on how the contents of a web page is rendeblue by a browser

13. Active Server Pages

14. Hypertext Preprocessor, a server-side HTML-embedded scripting language

15. CFML

2. Complete the text with the words in the boxes.

Good Web Design? What Is It?

design visitors information budget website

There are unlimited possibilities when it comes to designing a (1) …: Flash, Database, content management, Client Login, etc. A question to ask yourself when deciding how to do your website is: How can I most effectively present my (2) … to my visitors?

Of course there are several things to consider like (3) … but I feel that when talking strictly

about (4) … it is important to put your (5) … as first priority as they are the reason you are building the website.

awful aspects correctly wonders

Flash - I find is normally over done. It can do (6) … to a site if used right, but it can also make a site look (7) … if not used (8) …. To simply put it: If you have multimedia content on your website consider flash, if you don't: stay away from it altogether. Flash is more time consuming to develop, and it can take away a lot of important (9) … from your sites like Search Engine Optimization.

storing using changing putting adding storing

Database – (10) … a database backend to your site can be very useful if you are going to be (11) … a lot of data, or if you are going to be (12) … information often. If you are just simply (13) … a page with your contacts online, I wouldn't recommend using a database backend,

again for the time that it costs to develop and especially for the minor benefit that you will see. On the other hand if you are (14) … all of your products online and you need the ability to update/add/delete products often I wouldn't recommend not (15) … a database and some type of content management.

managed management manage

Content Management - is most likely used with a database backend in which you will have a control panel that you can use to "(16) … Content". Content that can be (17) … is anything and everything. Sample uses for Content (18) … are: Managing Products (add new and delete/edit existing), News/Journals (if you want the ability to constantly update your site with current news items

or journals), Page Layout (some more advanced Content Management systems allow you to manage all aspects of your site from the layout to the colors).


A basic web page has main elements:  hypertext markup language, text, graphics, tables and links.

Hypertext Markup Language is the code that browsers like Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer use to "read" a web page.  A web page is a Hypertext Markup Language document. Netscape Composer translates your text, graphics and links into Hypertext Markup Language. Hypertext Markup Language documents are saved with the file extensions .html or .htm. When you save your web page in Composer, the .html extension will be automatically added. Learning how to read and use Hypertext Markup Language is a good idea, but it is not necessary for the beginner.

Text consists of headings, descriptions, directions, and information that you wish to include in your web page. Text can be added to a web page by typing directly onto the open Composer page. Composer is a simple HTML editor that supports all the basic Web publishing capabilities, such as text, lists, images, and tables. Composer works much like a word processor. You type text in the editor, format text using a variety of tools, and create links using a simple dialog box. Composer provides other tools, too, which you use to accomplish a variety of publishing tasks. Whereas creating a Web page by hand might take several hours, you can create the same Web page in a few minutes with Composer. Text can also be added by copying and pasting a word processed document onto the Composer page. As much as possible, keep text short and to the point.

Graphics. Web page graphics are image files (photographs, icons, pictures, cartoons, animations) that you can insert into your web page. Graphic files are used as backgrounds, bullets, page dividers, signposts, illustrations, and sometimes, just for fun. Web graphic files typically carry the file extension .gif or .jpg.

There are many "ready made" free graphics collections on the web.  You can save these graphics and insert them in your web page as needed. Some graphics are copyrighted and cannot be used without permission. Permission is usually easy to obtain with a short e-mail request to the designer. An "image source" link should be placed under or next to a copyrighted image.

It is a good idea to create a section of links to the graphics collections that you use-even if they are free. Warning! Graphics can take a long time to load and should be used sparingly.

A table is an HTML element, also referred to as a "tag," and is used to display web page content in an organized fashion. A page can be set up in columns and rows, can display table cells with or without a border, and can even have a color or image patterned background.

Tables can be used in an unlimited number of ways including:

- Organize the text and images - Display the text in a newspaper format - Add color and image backgrounds to text areas - Display charts

Links (also called hypertext) are connectors. Both text and graphics can be linked.

Links are usually used in three ways:

- Links can connect different parts of one long web page. You can do this in Composer by creating "Targets."

- Links can connect your web page to someone else's web page.

- Links can connect different pages of the same web site.

A web site is simply a collection of web pages linked together.