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Idioms and fixed phrases

To feel \ make oneself at home чувствовать себя как дома

To hit home попасть в цель, задеть за живое

To make some place ones home – поселиться где-либо, сделать какое-то место своим домом

To come home to smb – понять, осенить

To be home and dry – удаваться

To be homesick – скучать по дому

Home-grownвыращенный в домашних условиях

Home shoppingзаказывать товары дома по телефону или почте

Home truthправда-матка, горькая правда

Home bird – домосед

Phrasal verbs 

To clear out – убираться, подчищать

To hang up – повесить на вешалку (об одежде)

To hang out – повесить сушиться (на веревку)

To put away – убрать (из виду)

To put out – выносить (мусор)

To wash up – мыть посуду

Exercise 3

Translate the sentences using phrasal verbs and fixed phrases:

  1. Она высказала ему всю правду о его эгоизме.

  2. Очень удобно заказывать товары дома по телефону или почте, особенно пожилым людям и инвалидам.

  3. Золушка убралась в комнатах своих сводных сестер, постирала грязное белье, повесила его сушиться, вынесла мусор и приступила к мытью посуды.

  4. Он домосед и не любит выходить из дома. Он и в гостях у близких друзей не чувствует себя как дома.

  5. Мы родом из Англии, но сейчас Австралия - наш дом.

  6. В конце концов, до него дошло, что она его обманывает. Такое поведение задело его за живое.

  7. Oвощи и фрукты, выращенные в домашних условиях полезны для здоровья.

  8. После недели в летнем лагере мальчик начал скучать по дому.

  9. «Ты такой непослушный мальчик», кричала мама, «сейчас же повесь пиджаки и брюки на вешалку и убери все игрушки, разбросанные, где попало!»

  10. Если мы получим этот заказ, мы будем в выигрыше.

Exercise 4 Vocabulary story:

Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from active and core vocabulary:

A fairy tale: Three little piglets!

front garden \ guest rooms \ home \ insulate from \ hoisted \ inhabited \ handled \ central heating \ cellar \ cottage \ mansion\ attic \ bay window \ utility room \ cooker \ thatched roof \ home-grown \ house \ blinds \ porch \ farmhouse \ drive \ winding \ fridge \ maintained \ shed \ larder \ herb garden \ ashtray \ slate roof \ fireplace \ cleared out \ came home to \ making home \ felt at home \ dustbin \ stained glass French \ tiled roof.

Once upon a time there lived three little piglets: Nuf Nuf, Nif Nif and Naf Naf. When they grew up and the time came to have their own ___________, the brothers decided to live separately and each of them built his own ____________.

Nuf Nuf being the laziest found an old __________ in the fields, _______ it _____, put on some hay on the roof, bought a _________ and a __________ as he was fond of food and started living there not caring much about comfort.

The second piglet Nif Nif adored nature and made up his mind to live in a _________ in the forest. He renovated an old _____________ turning it into a cottage and _________ it his ________. The most difficult part of the job was to make a slate roof and cut a ________ _________ on the first floor but he did it as he could and started living happily in his village house working in the _________ ________ all day long as he cared for ______________ vegetables very much. Nif Nif even __________ a “green peace” flag above his garden.

The third brother Naf Naf was very practical and clever - so he took his time and constructed a real ____________ with a beautiful __________ and _________. As he knew the winters would be cold and snowy, he built in a _______________ in his house. Later on he even installed the _____________ ____________ because wood was very expensive. In his mansion there were 3 _________ _________ where his brothers and friends liked staying, a __________ __________ upstairs in the _______ where he kept all the necessary things and a _________ in the ________ where he put all the jams and other tins. The house was such a lovely place that anyone __________ themselves ____ ________ there.

A wicked wolf __________ the country. One day he was walking along a __________ path in the field and noticed a pink piglet lying in the sun near the shed. He attacked immediately but the piglet hid in his small house. So the wolf started blowing and the ___________ ________ fell down. Nuf Nuf put a _________ on the head of the wolf and ran away to the cottage of his brother. Nif Nif was in his ________ _________ as usual watering the flowers. They hid together in the kitchen and peeped through the _______. The wolf was angry, he blew and the _________ _________ came down after some time. Nif Nif threw an _________ at the wolf, hit him in the back and ran away together with his brother Nuf Nuf to Naf Naf. Naf Naf saw his brothers running towards his mansion through a _________ _______ ________ window. As soon as he let them in the Wolf approached the house. He was furious and started blowing using all his forces but nothing helped and the _______ __________ remained stable. After an hour it _________ _______ ____ the Wolf that he had lost, so he left.

From that time on the 3 piglets started living together. They ____________ the house together, __________ the garden together and even built a fence to ___________ themselves ________ wild animals.

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