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Examination topics

Text 1.


Cambridge Is the second oldest university in Britain. 2. It lies on the river Cam and takes its narae from this river. 3. Cambridge was founded in 1?84 when the first college. Peter house, was built. 4. Now there are twenty-two colleges in Cam­bridge, but only three of them are women's colleges. 5. The first women1s college was opened in 1869. 6. The ancient buildings, libraries and colleges are in the centre of the city. 7. There are many museums in the old university city. 8. Its po­pulation consists mostly of teachers and students. 9. All students have to live in the college during their course. 10. In the old times the students' life was very strict. 11. They were not allo­wed to play games, to sing, to hunt, to fish or even to dance. 12. They wore special dark clothes which they continue to wear in our days. 13. In the streets of Cambridge you can see young men wearing dark blue or black clothes and the "Squares" - the acade­mic caps. 14. Many great people have studied at Cambridge, among them are Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, Newton, Wordsworth, Byron, Ten­nyson, Darwin, 15. Now Cambridge is known all over the world аз a great centre of science.

Text 2.

The Oldest University in Russian

1. Moscow University is the oldest University in Russia. 2. it was founded more than 235 yeara ago by the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. 3. The University was designed as a centre of Russian science and education. 4. It is associated with the names of many well-known scientists, writers, poets who studied and wor­ked there. 5. Among them are such outstanding scientists as Zhu-kovaky, Vernadsky, Lebedev, Ushinaky, Vavilov, Keldish. 6. Such well-known writers and poets as Fonvisin, Gribojedov, Lermontov, Checkov, Turgenev also studied at the University. 7. The list of such great names is endless. 8. At first, the University had only three departments: philosophy, medicine and law. 9. The faculty of philosophy had two sections: physics-raethernatics and history-phi­lology. 10. There are 16 departments, 275 chairs, 360 laboratori­es, four research institutes, a computer centre, four observato­ries, a botanical garden and its branches and three museums there 11. The student body number about 28.500 people from Russia and 4.500 from other countries. 12. There are over 120 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences among 8000 instructors. 13. The students live in dormitories with all modern conveniences and comfort. 14. The teaching standards in Moscow University ore very high and internationally recognized.

Text 3. Japanese Education

1. The entire society in Japan is mobilized around children. 2. Everything is aimed on education. 3. Most mothers don't work especially when their children are small. 4. Their major profession is mothering. 5. It is said that the Japanese mother is an agent of the educational system and that without her it wouldn't work. 6. Women have a curriculum for their kids. 7. They're very inven­tive about it. with games, and songs, exercise and dancing. 8. It's a joy to watch a Japanese mother with her child. 9. Fathers spend much of their time off on work. 10. Sunday is when he's with the kids. 11. So there's a nickname for father; he is called the Sun­day friend. 12. When you come into a Japanese elementary school classroom you're shocked. 13. Kids are jumping all around and calling out answers to questions. 14. Japanese teachers are absolutely relaxed and stand off to one side, not trying to control the class-room. 15. The children are engaged in the work and are shouting out answers in friendly competition. 16. They're a involved that the teacher often says that the noise level is the measure of her ability to motivate the kids. 17. The Japanese have no special cur­ricula for gifted children, they are ell equal. JJ8. They don't want to recognize diversity. 19. They like to say: "We are all one white silk sheet" or " The head that sticks up above the others gets lopped off". 20. Children are taught to think of themselves as members of a group. 21. The school is a society with its own ways of doing things. 22. In the first grade, before doing anyt­hing academic, the teacher spends the first part of the year get­ting the children socialized to the ways of the school and the habits of working together in the groups.