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Case 1-2 Developing a Problem-Solving Attitude—в

Steve Saga, supervisor of the information services division of a very large automobile manufacturer, was asked to attend a planning meeting to discuss the development of a new, expanded office services department. Saga had been aware for the past four months that planning would begin shortly on the project, and he had become uneasy because he had heard nothing about it from his supervisor, Ruth Ruiz. All the manage­ment team who had been requested to sit in on the planning session arrived in the boardroom, and Ruiz opened the meeting by announcing the names of the manager and the staff for the new department. Saga just sat there, utterly amazed, not saying a word. He was taken completely by surprise because he was expecting the discussion to center around who the management team of the new department should be, not who it would be. Saga's mind was closed to the remainder of the discussion that took place, because he felt all respect for his judgment was lost and that Ruiz had bypassed him prior to making a decision on this important personnel appointment.

When Saga returned to his division, his assistant, Jane Duffy, knew at a glance that something was bothering Saga and asked if she could help in some way. Saga told Duffy about the meeting and explained that he just could not understand why he had not been informed of the selection on the new management team prior to the meeting and also why he had not been asked for his recommendations. Duffy started to apologize by stating that two weeks earlier while Saga was out of the city, Ruiz had called to ask Saga for his recommendations on the matter. Duffy said that immediately after the call, an emergency had developed in the computer room, and she had rushed out, forgetting to make a note of the matter.

  1. In a few words, what is the real problem in this case?

  2. Did Saga make any mistakes? If so, of what nature are the mistakes?

  3. Did Ruiz make any mistakes? If so, of what nature are the mistakes?

  4. Did Duffy make any mistakes? If so, of what nature are the mistakes?


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